Character Stats
Bioware Effects Body Price(¥)
Muscle Augmentation Level II (Cultured) +2 Strength (10% less, 1 cyberarm) 0.72 32,000
Muscle Toner Level II (Cultured) +2 Quickness (10% less, 1 cyberarm) 0.72 75,000
Trauma Damper (Cultured) -1 Phys/+1 Stun; or -1 Stun 0.4 40,000
Cerebral Booster Level II (Cultured) +2 Intelligence, +1 Task Pool 0.8 110,000
Mnemonic Enhancer Level 3 (Cultured) +3 Mem, +3 Lingual, +1 Knowledge 0.6 45,000
Enhanced Articulation (Cultured) +1 Reaction, +1 Physical Skills 0.48 32,000
Cyberware							ECU	Essence		Price(„)
Tech Hair								0.01		  2,000
Chemical Analyzer and Gas Spectrometer (Alpha) & Rating 4 ChemSoft	0.16		 14,600
Cyber Ears (Alpha)							0.16		  8,000
	Cosmetic Modification (pointed ears)					0	  1,000
	Hi/Low Frequency (0-20hz, 20khz-100khz)					0.16	 12,000
	Select Sound Filter Rating 3 (Alpha)					0.16	 60,000
	Sound Damper (Alpha)						0.08		  4,000
	Spacial Recognizer (Alpha)						0.16	  2,400

Cyber Replacement Eye (Alpha, right)					0.08		  2,500
	Microscopic Vision (Alpha, right eye)					0.08	 10,000
	Image Link (Alpha, right eye)						0.16	  3,200
	Opticam (Alpha, right eye)					0.4		 40,000
	Electronic Visual Magnification (Alpha, both)			0.04		 11,000
	Improved Visual Spectrum - Infrared Vision (Alpha, both)	0.04		  6,000
	Polarizing Protective Ruthenium Tinted Covers			0.0		  1,600
Cyber Replacement Eye (Alpha, left)					0.08		  2,500
	Display Link (Alpha, left eye)						0.08	  2,000
	Rangefinder (Alpha, left eye)						0.08	  4,000
	Eye Laser Microphone Rating 4 (Alpha, left eye)				0.08	  8,000
	High Power Eye Laser System (Alpha, 100m range, left eye)	0.4		 16,000
	Electronic Visual Magnification (Alpha, both)			0.04		 11,000
	Improved Visual Spectrum - Infrared Vision (Alpha, both)	0.04		  6,000
	Polarizing Protective Ruthenium Tinted Covers			0.0		  1,600

Encephalon Level 1 (Alpha)						0.6		 80,000
Math SPU - Rating 3 (Alpha)						0.16		 46,000
Datajack 1 (Alpha)							0.12		  4,000
Datajack 2 (Alpha)							0.12		  4,000
Chipjack 3 (Alpha)							0.12		  4,000
Chipjack Expert Driver - Rating 2 (Alpha)				0.16		 80,000
Smartgun 2 Link (Right Arm, all Alpha)	
	Smartlink 2 Processor (Headware)				0.12		  8,000
	Induction pad (Right Hand)					0.06		    400
	Limited Simsense Rig (Right Arm)				0.06		  2,000
	Personalized Safety (Right Hand)				 - 		    400
Obvious Cyber Arm - Left (Alpha)				4.0	0.8		 55,000
	DNI to Cyberdeck (Alpha)				0.25	0.08		  9,000
	Radio/Cellular Link					1.0
	Cyberdeck (see below)					5.0
	Strength Enhancement Level 2 (6)			0	0		  5,000
	Quickness Enhancement Level 3 (7)			0	0		  5,250
	Limited Simsense Rig					0.25	0		  2,000
	Personalized Safety					0	0		    400
	Induction Pad						0.25	0		    400
	Fingertip Synthetic Fingerprint - Rating 6 (Thumb)	0.25	0		 12,000
	Fingertip Maglock Passkey - Rating 6 (Index)		0.25	0		 60,000
	Fingertip Cyberdeck Dataport (Middle)			0.25	0		  4,000
	Fingertip Expert Lockpicks - Rating 3 (Ring)		0.25	0		 18,000
	Fingertip Injector (Pinky)				0.25	0		    800
	Cyberarm Cyberdeck (5 ECU)
	Components	              Rating	Mp		Cost
	  MPCP OCC			12(11)	1152		23,040
		12 FUPS Ports					included
	  	Bod OCC			6	108		 1,314
	  	Evasion OCC		9	243		 2,916
	  	Masking OCC		9	162		 2,916
	  	Sensor OCC		9	162		 2,916
	  	Icon OCC		10	200		 3,600
	  Hot ASIST Interface OCC	10	200		 4,850
	  Active Memory OMC & PLC	2000	2000		 5,000
	  Master Storage Memory OMC	4000	4000		 4,000
	  Slave Storage Memory OMC	4000	4000		 4,000
	  Hardening OCC			8	512		 2,496
	  ICCM Biofeedback Filter OCC	12	1152		   996
	  Response Increase 3 OCC	3	864		   837
	  Reality Filter (The Matrix)	12	1440		 1,596
	  DTC/PLC @ 1200 MePS I/O Speed				 4,200
	  Matrix Interface					    35
	  Cellular Interface					 2,240
	  Radio Interface					 2,240
	  Satellite Interface					 2,240
	  Credstick Reader					12,000
	  6 Chip Readers					 1,200
	  2 Hitcher Jacks					   500
							Total:  70,228

Utilities*		System Operations						      Rating	Mp
Analyze			Analyze (Host, IC, Icon, Security, Subsystem), Locate IC	3	8	96
Browse			Locate Access Node, Locate File, Locate Slave			1	8	32
Commlink		Retrain, Tap Comcall						1	8	32
Deception		Graceful Logoff, Logon to (LTG, RTG, or Host)			2	8	64
Disinfect			Disinfect						2	6	36
Decrypt			Decrypt Access, Decrypt File, Decrypt Slave			1	8	64
Read/Write		Download Data, Edit File, Upload Data				2	8	64
Scanner			Locate Decker, Locate Frame					3	8	96
Validate			Dump Logs, Validate Passcode, Invalidate Passcode	4	6	72
Spoof			Command Slave, Edit Slave, Monitor Slave			3	8	96
Sleaze			Detection Factor: (Masking + Sleaze) / 2			3	8	96
Mirrors			Evasion Utility							3	8	96
Track (d-6)		"trace IC for deckers"						8	6	144
Slow (3ad-6t)		reduces the execution speed of proactive IC			4	8	128
Armor			reduces power of damage inflicted on deckers icon by rating	3	8	96
Camo			add rating to trace factor, utility for Redirect Datatrail	3	8	96
Cloak			reduces TN for evasion tests during cybercombat			3	8	96
Attack: Deadly (ct-s2)	attack on the condition monitor of decker or IC (Chaser)	10	8	320
Attack: Deadly (pt-s2)	attack on the condition monitor of decker or IC (Penetration)	10	8	320
Shield			Enables a decker to parry attacks in cybercombat		4	8	128
* all optimized

Dumb Frames    Core	B/E/M/S	Utility Payload				MP
Ares Predator	6	2/2/2/2	Attack: Deadly 4 (ct-s2)		8
Assault Rifle	8	2/2/2/2	Attack: Deadly 8 (ct-s2)		8
Katana		10	4/2/2/2	Attack: Deadly 8 (pt-s2)		8
Wakizashi	9	3/2/2/2	Attack: Deadly 4 (pt-s2)		8
Body Armor	8	4/2/2/2	Armor 8, Cloak 8			20
Power Armor	12	6/2/2/2	Armor 8, Shield 8, Medic 8		96
Cloaking Device	12	2/4/6/0	Deception 8 Sleaze 8, Cloak 8		96
Headset Radio	12	4/2/2/4	Commlink 6, Analyze 6, Battletac 8	96
Tricorder	12	2/4/2/4	Browse 8, Read/Write 8, Scanner 8	96
Karate Gi	12	2/4/2/4	Attack: Serious 8, Shield 8, Cloak 8	96
Stun Grenade	6	2/0/2/4	Slow (3ad_6t) 8				128

Agents			Rating	B/E/M/S	Init	Pilot	Utilities	MP
			Core				Rating	FP
Stacey Q		6	2/2/4/4	1d6	6		12	60
	Browse						8	8	16
	Read/Write					8	8	16
	Compressor					8	8	16
BellaMorte		6	2/2/4/4	1d6	6		12	60
	Browse						8	8	16
	Read/Write					8	8	16
Siouxsie		6	4/4/0/4	5d6	6		27	60
	Armor		+2						12
	Expert Offense	+3						18
	Optimization							-66
	Shield		+2						12
	Shift		+2						12
	Attack						8	8	320
Smart Frames
Banshees		9	4/1/0/4	4d6	4			33
	Attack						8	8	320
	Armor						8	8	96
Clothing & Armor						Conceal     Ballistic  Impact	Weight	 Price(„)
Sleeping Tiger Line 'Panther' Respirator (color shift)			 	--		1.0	   1,200
	Rating 4 Voice Mask										  12,000
	Water Reclamation Filters & Drink Reservoir						             500
	Pill Dispenser											     200
Level 3 Form Fit Body Armor					    12		4	 1	  1.25	   2,000
	Chemical Seal Level 4					    --					   1,000
	Nonconductive Level 1					    --					     200
	Biomonitor											see below
Rapid Transit Line Light Jumpsuit				    8		1	 2	  1.0	     250
	Chemical Seal Level 1										     250
	Thermal Dampening Level 2 (+2 to Sig & Thermo TN)						   3,000
	Massaging Liners									 +0.5	   1,000
	Cyberdeck Radio Transceiver (34 km range, Arm pocket)	    11				  1.0	see below
	Skillsoft Jukebox (integrated Backpack)			     5				  0.5	see below
	Transducer & Radio/Telecomm Transceiver Unit (shoulder)	    11				  1.0	see below
	Rating 6 Gas Detection System (breast pocket)						  1.0	see below
	Rating 8 Ultrasound Detector/Emitter (collar pocket)					  0.5	see below
	Diagnosis Processor for Biomonitor								see below
	2 Induction Pad Pass-thrus (for smartgun links)		    --					included
London Fog Synth-Leather Trench Coat (black w / illumi strips)	   8/12		4	 2	  3.0	  1,250
	Chemical Seal Level 2										included
	Fire Resistance Level 4										     400
	Nanochute®										  2.0	  40,000
Breastplate (Combat Vest w/ plates)				    10		4	 3	  2.0	     600
Forearm Guards (+1 impact for unarmed/armed attacks)		    12		0	 0	  0.2	     250
Full Length Steel-Toed Combat Boots (+1 unarmed/armed attacks)	     8		0	 0	  0.75	     150
Armored Greaves (+1 impact for unarmed/armed attacks)		     8		+1	 +1	  1.0	     500
Shock Gloves (w/ cutaway palms)					     9		0	 0	  0.5	     950
Armored Groin Cup (+1 impact/+1 ballistic for groin area)	    12		--	 --	  0.5	      40
Black Icon America Jeans					    10		2	 0	  1.5	     100
Black Ghost in The Shell T-shirt				    10		0	 0	  0.5	      70
Black long-sleeved fishnet shirt				    10		0	 0	  0.2	      80
Cryo-Max Black Side-Laced Synthleather Jeans			    10		1	 1	  1.0	   1,200
Shrine Black long-sleeved form-fit shirt			    12		1	 0	  0.4	     300
East-West 'Dragon-Lines' Vest					    12		1	 0	  0.4	     500
Ruf TreadTM Combat Boots					    n/a		0(1)	0(1)	  1.75	     500
Danger Blazer							    12		3	  2	  2.5	   3,000
Rappelling Slacks						    13		3	  2	  2.5	   3,000
Danger Longcoat							    12		4	  2	  5.0	  45,000

Equipment & Gear					     Conceal  Weight  Price(„)
Clove Cigarettes (1 Carton)					15	         15
Silvered Cigarette Case						12	         50
Duct Tape (70m)								         20
Leatherman							10     0.1       60
Ultra Epoxy Foam						10     0.5	150
Concealable Back Shoulder Holster				+2     0.1      100
Waterproof Equipment Case (Medium-2CF)				-      2.0	200
Gecko-Arms 'Slimline' Form-Fitting Armor Backpack		5      3.0    1,200

Matrix							Rating	     Conceal   Weight	Price („)
Cyberdeck Radio Transceiver (34km range)		Rating 12	8		  3,000
Microwave Satellite Uplink Antenna			+1 TN				  2,000
	Satlink Electronics								  1,000
Hitachi RM-AX Optical Chip Encoder (+2 task bonus)	     3				  9,500
Microtronics Shop (+2 task bonus)					n/a	n/a	 15,000
Microtronics Kit (+1 task bonus)					3	5.0	  1,500
Programming Suite Shop for PC (+2 task bonus)				n/a		 15,000
Personal Computer w/ Printer				4,000 Mp	n/a	20	  2,000
Private Eye Computer Display Polarizing Glasses						  1,300

Security Equipment		     Rating   Conceal  Weight	Price („)
Danger Pocket Secretary (cellphone, digital camera, 100 MP)	2,000
	Radio Scanner/Jammer (Flux 6)	4			  300
	Fingerprint Scanner					3,000
	Bug Scanner			8	3	1.0	4,000
	White Noise Generator		6	3	1.0	9,000
	Remote Control Deck Interlink				3,000
4 Portable Motion Detectors		5	8	1.0	4,000
4 Grapplers					8	2.0	  800
10 Grappler Cartridges						1,000
Ascent/Descent Kit				3	5.0	1,500
Rating 6 Gas Detection System		6		1.0	6,000
Ultrasound Emitter/Detector		8	8	0.5	3,200

Character Stats
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