Session Start: Thu Jul 03 03:01:37 2003
Session Ident: #Burned-Ice
- * Now talking in #Burned-Ice
- * Topic is 'Things to do in Denver When You're Dead...'
- * Set by Macavity on Wed Jul 02 23:28:37
- [GM] ((alright, where were we?))
- * Leviathan swings out at the gun barrel with his monosword
- [GM] ((TN to hit the barrel is 8 since it's a called shot))
- * Macavity has joined #Burned-Ice
- * GM sets mode: +o Macavity
- [GM] ((go ahead, roll your melee vs tN 8 Leviathan))
- [Leviathan] 7d6 8
- [Shadowdice] Leviathan rolls 7d6 vs TN=8 : 3 3 1 3 1 5 4 No Successes
- [GM] Leviathan's swing at the gun barrel fails to cut it, but does cause the fire to swing wildly, bullets smash into windows across the street, against the cars parked along the curb, and even one or two at the Superkombi & the tractor-trailer rig.
- [Leviathan] 7d6 8
- [Shadowdice] Leviathan rolls 7d6 vs TN=8 : 4 4 2 5 3 2 4 No Successes
- [GM] ((init 10))
- [GM] ((Wolf))
- * Wolf runs over to Steel picks him up and throws him over his sholder and runs to the other side of the superkombie next to Mac
- [Wolf] Once there he casts heal on him
- [GM] ((ok, TN is 8 go for it))
- [Wolf] 10d6 8
- [Shadowdice] Wolf rolls 10d6 vs TN=8 : 4 3 5 2 4 3 2 5 5 5 No Successes
- [GM] ((ok, now my mouse just died.))
- [Wolf] 8d6 2
- [Shadowdice] Wolf rolls 8d6 vs TN=2 : 3 9 1 1 4 3 4 2 - 6 Successes
- [GM] ((karma?))
- [Wolf] (I had to roll drain first,)
- [Wolf] (I didnt take any drain)
- [GM] ((init 9))
- [GM] A massive explosion rocks both the Superkombie and the GMC-Hauler on their suspension, as hot air blasts pasts all of you from the crater of a fireball spell going off in the front yard.
- [GM] If Wolf hadn't grabbed Steelblade and run, they'd still be in the middle of that.
- [GM] ((Leviathan, roll body vs 8M fire damage, impact applies))
- [Leviathan] ((Great!))
- [Macavity] 3d6 3
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 3d6 vs TN=3 : 3 2 3 - 2 Successes
- [Macavity] 3d6 3
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 3d6 vs TN=3 : 2 3 1 - 1 Success
- [Leviathan] 6d6 2
- [Shadowdice] Leviathan rolls 6d6 vs TN=2 : 2 2 2 2 9 2 - 6 Successes
- [Macavity] ((that's so annoying))
- [Macavity] ((karma))
- [Macavity] 2d6 3
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 2d6 vs TN=3 : 2 4 - 1 Success
- [Macavity] ((ok, good no damage))
- [GM] ((no damage to Leviathan or Mac))
- [GM] ((initiative 8 - Macavity))
- [Macavity] "They're shooting at my truck. Bastards!"
- * Macavity gets up and starts walking towards the house, firing both pistols at the window the assault rifle fire is coming from..
- [Leviathan] :::Comm::: "What happened to getting the hell out of here, boss?"
- [Macavity] ((suppressive fire, - 2 square meter window))
- [GM] 8d6 4
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 3 2 5 3 3 4 3 5 - 3 Successes
- [Macavity] 10d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 10d6 vs TN=6 : 2 5 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 1 No Successes
- [Macavity] 10d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 10d6 vs TN=6 : 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 5 No Successes
- [Macavity] ((damn dice))
- [Macavity] 10d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 10d6 vs TN=6 : 5 3 5 3 4 5 2 4 1 4 No Successes
- [Macavity] 10d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 10d6 vs TN=6 : 2 11 3 4 5 4 2 4 9 13 - 3 Successes
- [GM] 4d6 5
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=5 : 3 4 8 8 - 2 Successes
- [GM] The assault rifle fire stops abruptly as the shooter falls back into the room after taking one of the bullets fired into the window by Macavity
- [GM] ((Init 5 Steelblade))
- * Steelblade is being carried...no action
- [GM] ((init 3 Leviathan))
- * Leviathan looks for a way inside the house
- [GM] The door to the house is still slightly ajar
- [GM] one two windows are broken, the right completely, from the bodies leaping in and out through it, and the left completely shattered by bullets.
- * Leviathan decides that he shouldn't attempt any window leaps, and pushes the door open, back to the side of it against the wall, checking for hostiles
- [GM] ((roll init last init pass I promise you))
- [Steelblade] 1+1d6
- [Shadowdice] Initiative for Steelblade (1+1d6) : 4
- [Wolf] 6+4d6
- [Shadowdice] Initiative for Wolf (6+4d6) : 21
- [Macavity] 12+3d6
- [Shadowdice] Initiative for Macavity (12+3d6) : 20
- [GM] ((lev?))
- [Leviathan] 10+5d6
- [Shadowdice] Initiative for Leviathan (10+5d6) : 29
- [GM] ((init 29, Lev go))
- * Leviathan heads inside if no hostiles are present, routine combat sweep
- [GM] The wounded guy on the right raises an SMG at Leviathan, about 4 meters away...
- * Leviathan takes a shot at him before he gets a chance, hopefully
- [GM] ((roll it, TN is 4))
- [Leviathan] 8d6 4
- [Shadowdice] Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 2 5 5 5 16 2 2 3 - 4 Successes
- [GM] ((damage?))
- [GM] 8d6 7
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 8d6 vs TN=7 : 3 5 4 4 2 5 5 1 No Successes
- [GM] He goes down in a crumpled heap as leviathan blasts away with a raised arm.
- [GM] ((init 21 - Wolf)
- * Wolf slumps down behind his truck and goes astral looking for the mage
- * Leviathan can never quite get used to that, the flesh from his palm blasted away as he fires, a spray of blood fortelling the one the man on the chair feels
- * Wolf sees the mage astrallly and casts a spell at it
- [Wolf] 11d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Wolf rolls 11d6 vs TN=6 : 2 4 3 1 3 5 5 3 4 5 5 No Successes
- [Wolf] Karma
- [Wolf] 11d6 6
- [Shadowdice] Wolf rolls 11d6 vs TN=6 : 3 4 5 10 1 1 3 3 1 3 3 - 1 Success
- [GM] 3d6 5
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 3d6 vs TN=5 : 11 3 2 - 1 Success
- [Wolf] (dm no dmg
- [Wolf] 10d6 2
- [Shadowdice] Wolf rolls 10d6 vs TN=2 : 5 3 3 2 9 5 2 9 9 3 - 10 Successes
- [Wolf] (No drain)
- [GM] The mana bolt is deflected at the last minute by the mage's magical defenses..
- [GM] ((init 20))
- * Macavity stalks into the house, pistols at the ready, and immediately swerves into the left room as Leviathan goes right, one pistol searching for the man with the Assault rifle, while the other remains at the ready for new targets..
- [Macavity] 12d6 4
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 12d6 vs TN=4 : 11 4 5 8 3 2 3 4 5 3 2 4 - 7 Successes
- [Macavity] 12d6 4
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 12d6 vs TN=4 : 5 1 1 2 4 4 4 2 3 3 1 5 - 5 Successes
- [GM] 8d6 4
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 4 2 3 2 4 5 9 3 - 4 Successes
- [GM] 5d6 5
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 5d6 vs TN=5 : 3 9 4 4 2 - 1 Success
- [GM] 5d6 5
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 5d6 vs TN=5 : 11 8 5 3 4 - 3 Successes
- [Macavity] he shoots the rifleman twice in the chest with unerring accuracy and then fires at the mage just stepping into the room with the other pistol
- [Macavity] 8d6 4
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 3 5 3 3 2 2 7 5 - 3 Successes
- [Macavity] 8d6 4
- [Shadowdice] Macavity rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 1 2 5 4 5 3 5 5 - 5 Successes
- [GM] 5d6 4
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 5d6 vs TN=4 : 5 4 2 4 2 - 3 Successes
- [GM] The mage dodges the first shot but gets hit by the second..
- [GM] 3d6 6
- [Shadowdice] GM rolls 3d6 vs TN=6 : 4 2 2 No Successes
- [GM] ((init 19 - leviathan))
- * Leviathan shoots the mage again
- [Leviathan] ((tn?))
- [GM] The mage, already seriously wounded and prone, dies from Leviathan's dispatching shot..
- [GM] ((combat over))
- * Macavity points to Leviathan's last target
- [Macavity] "Grab that guy, he's probably the mage.."
- [Leviathan] "Dead guy you mean?"
- [Macavity] "Whatever, wolf might want his foci, spell stuff, whatever..
- * Wolf goes back to his body and when he comes too checks on Steel and pulls out a med kit and starts to work on him
- * Macavity puts away his pistols and frisks the rifleman for credsticks, ammo and weapons then heads back to the GMC Hauler
- * Leviathan heads back to the hauler as well
- * Steelblade just sits there, thinking back on how it was so much easier knowing who the enemy was and where he'd be. Guerrilla warfare was the new game now.
- [Macavity] "Wolf, if he's alright, take care of it later. Let's get going before the police show up."
- [Steelblade] 'THanks for the help. I don't know who you are, but I owe you all big.
- * Wolf nods "He is stabilized and wont get any worse he just needs to lay down lets go and get out of here "
- [Wolf] "Think nothing of it Wolf watches over those in need"
- [Steelblade] "Well, thanks, Wolf. If you don't mind, I'll pass out now."
- [Wolf] "go for it"
- [Macavity] "I can't believe we fraggin just did that. What a fraggin stupid, fraggin waste of fraggin bullets."
- * Steelblade decides to sleep.
- [Wolf] " I had to do it either way"
- [Macavity] "Wolf, do you have a spell or something to take care of this guys' blood?"
- * Macavity waves at the smashed window of the house behind him.
- * Wolf nods
- * Wolf casts sterilize over everything to get rid of any traces
- [Leviathan] "We need to get going."
- [Wolf] "There it is clean there is no trace of us"
- [Leviathan] "Now."
- * Wolf gets into the superkombi and puts Steel in the back"
- [Wolf] "Follow me
- * Wolf pulls the superkombi back onto the road and continues on in the direction he was going
- [GM] >>>>GAME OVER<<<<
- * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Jul 03 03:58:07 2003
Session Start: Tue Jul 08 22:43:17 2003
Session Ident: #Burned-Ice
- * Now talking in #Burned-Ice
- * Topic is 'game starts at 10pm EST'
- * Set by Macavity on Tue Jul 08 20:49:18
- * Macavity has joined #Burned-Ice
- [GM] >>>>GAME ON<<<<<
- [GM] Everyone makes it away from the shooting and to the abandoned parking lot that was the original destination. In the distance, the howling of sirens fills the air and each runner wonders if he left any damning evidence behind.
- [Leviathan] ((Planchan open))
- * Kabuki has joined #Burned-Ice
- * Macavity sets mode: +o Kabuki
- [Leviathan] "Eh, chief, I'm a bit worried..you know how my hands always put out a bit of my own blood when I let 'em rip?"
- * Macavity walks over to Leviathan and hands over another box of bandages.
- [Macavity] "Then you should really refrain from using them all the time. I can get you a pistol or two if you need one."
- * Leviathan sighs, bandaging his already healing hand yet again. "I'm thinking that they might be able to get a ritual sample..I'm not too worried about dna scanners and what not.."
- [Leviathan] "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm still not used to the sting. Don't think I'll ever get used to it."
- * Macavity looks over at Shadowolf and his bleeding patient..
- [Macavity] "Well, let's at least see what we've gotten ourselves into."
- * Macavity walks over to the pair as Shadowolf continues working on stabilizing and treating the patient.
- * Leviathan nods. "Sorry I jumped the gun there, it ain't like me..one of those moods I guess."
- * Leviathan also ambles over to Wolf, crossing his arms and suddenly becoming quiet
- * Shadowdice has joined #burned-ice
- [Shadowolf] 6d6 8
- [Shadowdice] Shadowolf rolls 6d6 vs TN=8 : 5 10 3 3 4 1 - 1 Success
- [Macavity] "Hello. Looks like you went through the drekker there. Would you like to tell us anything about yourself or the situation back there?"
- * Macavity addresses the patient lying on the makeshift gurney in Shadowolf's van
- * Maelwys has left #Burned-Ice
- [Steel] "Well, I was trying to find out some stuff about...a few friends I lost track of."
- [Steel] "I hired a decker to look andwen I came to find out what he saw, I was jumped."
- * Macavity leans nonchalantly against the side of the van, gloved fingers resting on the doorframe.
- [Steel] "Things were looking grim. Thanks for coming to the rescue."
- [Macavity] "I'd like to say that it was our pleasure, but I'm not sure that it is yet."
- [Steel] "I hope I didn't get any of you in trouble. I know with firepower like that you're trying to lay low."
- * Macavity glances at both Shadowolf and Leviathan
- [Macavity] "Yes...trying."
- [Steel] "The name's Steel. I'm laying low too."
- * Leviathan holds up his hands apologetically
- [Macavity] ((we are all outside in the parking lot around Shadowolf's van.))
- [GM] Anyone looking around sees nothing but vacant lot, blank walls of abandoned buildings, and empty rooftops, not a soul in sight.
- * Steel sets mode: +o Shadowdice
- [Shadowolf] "Dont worry about it I sterlized the whole area no prints or blood or any type of evidence that could be left now if we could all go inside and get situated my boss is waiting to meet you, word of adivce leave your wepaons here in the building"
- * Steel nods.
- [Shadowolf] "We will then all go in my vehicle to this nice diner and meet with my boss"
- [GM] There's something a little strange about the end of the parking lot, with the large flat wall - easily 3-4 stories tall - centered there, and the rows of metal posts strewn across the parking lot.
- [Leviathan] "This an old drive-in?"
- [Macavity] "What's that?"
- [Macavity] "What's a....drive-in?"
- * Steel looks at Lev, puzzled.
- [Leviathan] "I don't know really myself..just kinda blurted.."
- * Shadowolf chuckels at Lev "yes this used to be a drive in"
- [Steel] "What is this meet for, and was I on the menu?"
- [Leviathan] "I was thinking they projected movies onto that wall, people parked and watched em, right?"
- [Macavity] "I'm sorry. Can we figure out what we're going to do with.....ah..."
- * Macavity looks at the newcomer questioningly...
- [Steel] "The name's Steel."
- [Leviathan] "Gee, how innovative."
- [Macavity] "ah..Mr. Steel. Before we get into our personal buisness?"
- [Steel] "They called me Steelshadow back in the day..."
- * Steel cringes in pain.
- [Leviathan] "I take it you're a runner, eh?"
- [Steel] Steel currently lays 172 cm tall and weighs 81.3 kg. He has a tattoo of the 132d Special Air Services on his right arm. He talks in a deep tone, when he speaks at all. His battle-hardened expression has an almost mean look.
- [Steel] "I suppose I am now."
- [Shadowolf] "We can continue this conversation in the van so are you coming or not?"
- [Macavity] "Wait just one minute. We're not going anywhere until we sort this out."
- * Steel nods, working himself to a sitting position, nursing the three holes in his side.
- * Shadowolf goes over to the driver side of the vehicle and gets in and waits
- * Macavity turns back to Steel
- [Shadowolf] ((you're patched up steel ))
- [Macavity] "Now then. What do you plan on doing?"
- * Steel speaks in his heavy scottish voice.
- [Steel] "Well, I'm looking for work. You have a use for an old SAS guy like me?
- [Leviathan] "As long as he conducts himself professionally, I've got no qualms about it myself boss."
- * Leviathan gets inside
- [Macavity] "We don't know anything about you. And I know that the friend I'm going to meet is paranoid as it is. I'm sorry."
- [Macavity] "Is there somewhere we can drop you off?"
- [Steel] I have a van a few blocks from the firefight. My gear's there.
- [Steel] "It's all in my van."
- [Steel] "If you could drop me off there.
- [Macavity] "That shouldn't be a problem."
- * Shadowolf walks over to Mac with a Cell phone "Boss lady on line for you"
- [Shadowolf] "Lev get his contact info just in case cause as soon as Mac is off the phone were gone"
- * Macavity takes the phone from Shadowolf
- [Leviathan] "Yeah, on it."
- [Shadowolf] "sorry you're going to have to find your own way back to your vehicle steel"
- [Leviathan] "Look "Steel". Mind tagging me with some sort of way to contact you? If they end up getting a ritual sample I'm gonna need to know who to come after."
- * Steel shakes his head, still woozy from the painkillers & drugs administered by Shadowolf
- [Steel] "Sure. Here's my number."
- * Steel gives Lev his number.