Session Start: Mon Apr 07 23:17:57 2003
Session Ident: #Burned-Ice
- [23:17] * Now talking in #Burned-Ice
- [23:17] * Topic is 'Game start tentatively scheduled for 5 PM EST Tuesday'
- [23:17] * Set by Macavity on Mon Apr 07 20:43:53
- [23:18] * Minx sets mode: +oo Macavity Shadowdice
- [23:19] {Minx} "Watching a decker work has got to be the most boring thing in the world..."
- [23:19] * Macavity yawns and stretches and turns to Minx..
- [23:20] {Macavity} "I'm sorry...but thanks for watching my hoop."
- [23:20] * Macavity leans close and whispers in Minx's ear
- [23:20] {Minx} "That's why they pay me the big money or something..."
- [23:21] {Leviathan} "We need some info on our object of blackmail."
- [23:21] {Macavity} "Oh, what's this? Darin's contact panned out?"
- [23:23] {Leviathan} "I guess so. I've got some BTL's, he's got a habit."
- [23:24] * Arsenal has joined #burned-ice
- [23:24] * Minx yawns and stretches, showing off perhaps a little too much. "So what kind of info do we need?"
- [23:24] {Arsenal} ni!
- [23:24] {Leviathan} "Well.."
- [23:24] * Leviathan slides Mac the info Darin got
- [23:25] * Macavity looks it over, suddenly all buisness
- [23:25] {Leviathan} "From how I understand it, this guy in receiving has a bad habit. I'd like to know how and where he gets his goods, and if we can perhaps convince him to buy our product, and take pictures of him doing so."
- [23:26] * Macavity sets mode: +o Arsenal
- [23:26] {Minx} "Why not just take pictures of him when he buys it from his regular source?"
- [23:27] {Macavity} "And Darin wants me to find all of this out via the Matrix? That's going to be tough."
- [23:27] {Macavity} "I'm not even sure that kind of information is in there, because if anything obvious were there, Renraku would know."
- [23:28] * Minx nods. "It's going to take actually going to the streets. Hell, it could be just about anyone."
- [23:28] {Macavity} "We've got his number here. Why don't we just sell him the BTLs ourselves?"
- [23:28] {Leviathan} "That's why I bought em."
- [23:30] {Macavity} "well, the rest of you can handle that end. I've got to get a couple hours of sleep, and then I've got a few days of serious decking to do."
- [23:31] {Leviathan} "Well I'm not selling them."
- [23:31] {Macavity} "But before I go, I did find out some useful information while I was quietly snooping about the Renraku archives."
- [23:32] {Macavity} "The transport is flying in from a Renraku corporate fleet ship. Looks like a frigate or other light warship. Way out of our league."
- [23:32] * Minx glances at Leviathan. "Why not?"
- [23:33] {Macavity} "I got confirmation of the flight schedule, so we've got our timetable. I also pulled some maps of the rooftop and the 22nd floor around the elevator from the mainframe."
- [23:33] * aFunTiger has left #burned-ice
- [23:33] * Macavity slots a chip into the pocketsec on the table and punches up the maps...
- [23:33] {Mac-GM} ((maps are going out on email))
- [23:34] * Minx studies them curiously.
- [23:34] {Leviathan} "Because I 'scream corper' as you'd say."
- [23:35] * Minx shrugs. "Gangers aren't the only dealers. Rumors have it MCT and Azzie have their own production lines and distributors."
- [23:35] {Leviathan} "Yeah but I had a bad experience with the Triads just now that tells me I ain't quite cut out for this. I barely got out with what I have, including my hoop."
- [23:37] * Minx raises an eyebrow. "You try to double deal them or something?"
- [23:37] {Leviathan} "Nah, just said the wrong things."
- [23:37] * Minx shakes her head.
- [23:38] * Arsenal chuckles slightly.
- [23:38] * Macavity waves to everyone and walks into the next room..
- [23:39] {Leviathan} "Look I'll do it, I just ain't comfortable with supporting somebody's habits."
- [23:39] {Minx} "Just using them to possibly ruin his career and life?"
- [23:39] {Arsenal} "No one ever said making these runs were supposed to be comfortable, until retirement."
- [23:40] {Leviathan} "It's just not usually my role."
- [23:40] * Minx shrugs, then yawns.
- [23:42] * Arsenal shrugs. "Oh, I need to get back to the warehouse soon, I have a special batch brewing, but I managed to cook these up." *brings out the two breaching charges and 5 other demo packs.
- [23:43] * Minx glances at them, then takes a step off to the side. "Uh huh. What kind of power are they supposed to have?"
- [23:43] {Arsenal} "After hearing what the transport it, I wonder if these will be needed the way we planned on them."
- [23:44] {Arsenal} "Slightly better than C4. The batch I'm working on is more powerful yet. A kind of last-ditch effort, so to speak."
- [23:44] * Leviathan nods
- [23:45] {Arsenal} "You never know when you'll need charges."
- [23:48] {Mac-GM} The two breaching charges are small, cigarette pack sized packages, while the shaped charges are only slighly larger soda-can sized unit with a dial and switches on one end and what looks like a self-bonding plate on the other..
- [23:51] * Minx glances at them. "As long as they explode when we want them to..."
- [23:52] {Arsenal} "They will."
- [23:57] {Mac-GM} ((the recieving clerks name is Harold Leeman btw, and Darin asked to see if he could be induced to recieve a large package on the day of the extraction, in addition to providing a pair of uniforms and blank IDs))
- [23:58] {Arsenal} "Well, I'd best get back to the mix."
- [23:58] {Arsenal} "Don't want this one going off prematurely... like the previous batch did
- [23:59] {Leviathan} "Gee, thanks for leaving these here then."
- [23:59] {Mac-GM} ((that's not a reassuring thing to hear))
- [00:00] {Arsenal} "Don't worry... last batch ended up too rich. I won't let you near anything that won't be useful."
- [00:01] {Leviathan} "Uh-huh.."
- [00:02] * Arsenal wavers, then collapses. "On the other hand... I need some sleep."
- [00:03] {Arsenal} "I shouldn't push myself on this..."
- [00:04] * Arsenal sits down, and slips into a light sleep
- [00:06] {Leviathan} "He must have some kinda regulator."
- [00:06] * SpuN walks in, usual blue tinted aviator shades and warm smile in place.
- [00:06] * SpuN is now known as ChaLk
- [00:06] * ChaLk walks in, usual blue tinted aviator shades and warm smile in place.
- [00:06] {ChaLk} "hey guys, how goes?
- [00:08] {ChaLk} "Any word on our inside yet?
- [00:08] {Leviathan} "Gee. Haven;t seen you in awhile."
- [00:09] {ChaLk} "I've been prepping and practicing"
- [00:09] * Minx shakes her head as she looks at Arsenal, then takes another step away from the homemade explosives.
- [00:10] {Minx} "Practicing?"
- [00:10] {ChaLk} "oh... those look fun"
- [00:10] * ChaLk nods
- [00:11] {ChaLk} "I've got pretty well stocked medical supplies set, and I've been keeping my wires and remote control deck warm"
- [00:14] {Arsenal} *while seemingly asleep* "Those explosives will work when we want them to, Minx. Have faith in my work." *slight grin*
- [00:16] {Leviathan} "Alright, well, I'll have to set up a meeting with this addict here.."
- [00:16] * Leviathan goes into the other room
- [00:18] {ChaLk} "Well, i'm tired of 'prepping', you guys want a hand with mr addict?"
- [00:20] {ChaLk} "hello?"
- [00:20] * ChaLk follows Leviathan
- [00:20] * Leviathan holds up a finger to his lips as he sits in front of a vidphone
- [00:21] * ChaLk pushes his shades on to his head and stands clear of the vidphone cam range and stands quietly, arms crossed
- [00:25] {Leviathan} ""Mr. Leeman, you might not remember me, but my name is Ronald Rosenfelt."
- [00:26] {Harold Leeman} "You're right, I don't remember you... What can I do for you?"
- [00:27] {Leviathan} "Well, I was wondering if I could pay you back for the favor you did for my brother a few years ago. Say..would you mind coming down to the base level floor and letting me buy you a drink?"
- [00:27] {Leviathan} "I'd really like to meet you, sir."
- [00:28] {Harold Leeman} "Well, it's much too early to be doing any drinking and I'm rather busy with my family actually. Maybe another time."
- [00:28] {Harold Leeman} "What was your brother's name?"
- [00:28] {Leviathan} "Actually sir, this might well be to your advantage..Say, would you mind switching this call off of the speaker phone?"
- [00:29] * Mac-GM Harold picks up the hand-held from the wall, and the view disappears
- [00:30] {Harold Leeman} "What is it that you want?"
- [00:30] * Leviathan turns the camera back off
- [00:30] {Leviathan} "Well, honestly sir, you don't know me, but you know my product."
- [00:32] * ChaLk listens with a smile on his face
- [00:32] {Harold Leeman} "Look if you're trying to sell something I'm not interested, and if it's something for the department, you can reach me at work during normal business hours."
- [00:33] {Leviathan} "The things I have to offer are better than life itself(he clears his throat). I'd just like to show some of them to you, all I'm asking is one meeting, five minutes of your time."
- [09:22] * Maelwys is now known as Minx
- [09:22] * Arsenal is now known as Arsenal
- [09:23] * Leviathan is now known as Leviathan
- [09:23] {Leviathan} hehe
- [09:23] {Arsenal} *heheheh*
- [09:28] * Mac-GM has joined #burned-ice
- [09:28] * Arsenal sets mode: +o Mac-GM
- [09:28] {Mac-GM} ((alright, here we go...))
- [09:29] {Mac-GM} To recap briefly - the story thus far....
- [09:29] {Mac-GM} Macavity called all of you in to meet with him and outlined a run against Renraku to extract a scientist working there, steal a prototype Anthroform Drone, and assassinate three individuals in the project along the way.
- [09:30] * Kendoshi is now known as Blackwidow
- [09:30] {Mac-GM} After receiving significant support from Ares Macrotechnology in addition to a hefty 6-figure pay for the job (half up front, half on completion), a plan is worked out.
- [09:31] {Mac-GM} Macavity & Minx penetrate the Arcology and while Minx watches over the decker's meat bod, Macavity slips into the off-line security network, hacks some electronic back doors into the host and recoveres some interesting data.
- [09:33] {Mac-GM} The air transport arriving on Thursday to pick up the drone will be flying in from the RCS Sengoku (Renraku Corporate Ship - 'Warring States' - a reference to a period of Japanese history)
- [09:35] {Mac-GM} Darin turns up a BTL addict working on floor 22 of the Arcology - the same floor that the Anthroform is being produced. Leviathan, Chalk and Arsenal manage to turn this employee by staging a BTL purchase and recording it.
- [09:35] {Mac-GM} In exchange for the destruction of the recording, he promises to obtain uniforms, blank ID tags, and to recieve a package to be delivered THursday morning before the prototype leaves.
- [09:37] {Mac-GM} The time is 12-midnight, Sunday night, and Blackwidow and Darin are off to smuggle her - and weapons, armor and gear for the rest of the team - into the Arcology via a waste pipe being serviced and scheduled to be sealed up in the morning by the construction crew.
- [09:37] {Mac-GM} ((I'm glossing over the BTL addict in the interests of time))
- [09:38] {Mac-GM} Current Location: Meeting rooms over Insomnia
- [09:39] {Arsenal} (( *nod*))
- [09:39] {Mac-GM} 6 hard plastic waterproof cases for the weapons, ammunition and armor sit opened upon the conference room table. Darin is the only team member not packing his container with gear.
- [09:40] * Darin contemplated what he might send in since the Steel Lynx's are going in via the Recieving department on floor 22
- [09:40] * Macavity leans against the conference room table, cleaning and checking out his vast array of pistols one last time before packing them into the container behind him.
- [09:41] * Minx packs what she'll need, grumbling at the idea of packing most of her weapons away.
- [09:41] {Blackwidow} "Damn talk about alot of firepower, it is going to be one tight fit" she says with a bit of a smile
- [09:41] * Leviathan chuckles
- [09:41] * Minx thinks about making a comment, but doesn't.
- [09:42] * Arsenal is doing pretty much the same as Mac, only he's also adjusting the smartlink on the crossbow as he works.
- [09:42] {Leviathan} "Wonder what possessed me to buy this machine gun"
- [09:43] {Arsenal} "Damn shame the grenade launcher won't be ready until tomorrow afternoon."
- [09:43] {Darin} "The Steel Lynx's each have 2 one-time HEAP grenade launchers, They'll have to be enough"
- [09:44] {Arsenal} "I'd have prefered to have that mounted on the rifle before going in." *sets AK and crossbow, along with appropriate ammo, in the case*
- [09:44] {Minx} "I hope the grenades don't bounce off the walls and come back...
- [09:44] {Leviathan} "All I need is my armor and ammo really."
- [09:45] {Darin} "They also have 2 one-time smoke tubes"
- [09:45] * Arsenal sets the explosives in his as well. "Last batch didn't perform up to specs, so I didn't bring it. These will have to be enough."
- [09:45] {Arsenal} "Think we'll need the LMGs?"
- [09:46] * Minx checks her stuff, making sure she can carry it all.
- [09:46] * Leviathan packs in all the gear he bought for this mission
- [09:46] * Arsenal field-strips the Ingram Smartgun before setting it in as well.
- [09:46] {Blackwidow} "Doubt it if we need that much firepower something went very wrong"
- [09:47] {Arsenal} "Well, I'll let it stay in the trunk, then."
- [09:48] {Blackwidow} "Not like we arent already packing enough weapons"
- [09:48] {Arsenal} "On second thought... well, something may go wrong anyway." *goes out to the car and brings in the LMG to pack it
- [09:48] * Leviathan begins the painful task of cleaning out his armguns with a special kit
- [09:49] {Leviathan} "Wish I remembered what the fuck possessed me to put these things in."
- [09:51] * Minx packs her gear...knives, pistol, armor...and that's about it.
- [09:51] {Arsenal} "Well, it could be worse, Lev."
- [09:52] {Macavity} "Alright, who's going out there tonight besides Widow and Darin?"
- [09:53] {Leviathan} "Well, if I've got a directive, I'll go."
- [09:53] * Minx ponders it. "Nah...No point in alot of us going...secretive is better."
- [09:54] * Arsenal goes through a mental checklist as he packs: Predator, Warhawk, crossbow, katana, Valiant, Security armor (courtesy of Widow's employers), his current set of grenades, explosives, climb cord, ammo, ammo, ammo...
- [09:54] * Leviathan nods
- [09:54] * Arsenal closes the case. "Done."
- [09:54] {Leviathan} "Pretty much everything I own is in this case, damn."
- [09:55] * Macavity walks over to Leviathan and puts a hand on his shoulder..
- [09:55] {Arsenal} "I know how you feel. We lose these cases, we can kiss this op, and most of our stuff, goodbye."
- [09:55] {Macavity} "Everything but the most important thing."
- [09:57] {Leviathan} "What's that? My brain?"
- [09:57] {Arsenal} "Your life."
- [09:57] {Blackwidow} "Lol not to mention at least one of your team, gear can be replaced, bodies cant so you need to have your heads in the game at all times got it"
- [09:57] {Leviathan} "Heh, don't even know if I own that chief."
- [09:58] {Minx} "Sucks to be you."
- [09:58] {Leviathan} "Before any of you go down, I'll be the last one out. I've got nothing to lose."
- [20:02] * Minx nods and finishes packing her stuff. "Done."
- [20:02] {Darin} "Lets load up"
- [20:02] * Arsenal helps with the loading of the gear
- [20:03] * Darin shifts units not to be used out of the way
- [20:04] * Blackwidow finsihes breaking down her rifle into her own case and places the rest of her gear in same said case
- [20:04] * Macavity closes up his container and carries it down to Darin's truck
- [20:05] {Arsenal} "Anyone need a hand with anything?" *carries his own*
- [20:05] * Leviathan lifts his container easily, surprisingly enough considering what it's loaded down with, to Darin's truck
- [20:05] * Minx drags hers down.
- [20:06] * Leviathan offers to help Minx
- [20:07] {Darin} "I should get you a crane, Widow"
- [20:07] * Arsenal helps Minx, if she lets him
- [20:08] * Minx isn't dumb, and lets the augmented folks drag her much lighter case down for her.
- [20:09] * Blackwidow grabs her cases and everything with no problem
- [20:09] {Mac-GM} ((and now off to the subway station..))
- [20:10] {Darin} ;/mew gets in the driver seat and jacks in
- [20:10] * Darin gets in the driver seat and jacks in
- [20:10] {Darin} ((grrrr))
- [20:10] {Mac-GM} The group has a subway stop near the Barrens selected as much for it's abandonment and lack of cameras as for the fact that the trains on that line pass through the Arcology in their loop from Downtown Seattle back out to this stop. Until recently, this stop was in better shape, but the Barrens slowly encroached upon it until it reached it's current state.
- [20:11] {Macavity} ((as long as Darin isn't jacking off))
- [20:11] {Darin} ((( ACK, bad pun alert )
- [20:11] {Arsenal} {ooc} *snicker*
- [20:13] {Darin} "Hop in Widow, lets Roll"
- [20:13] * Blackwidow gets in and shuts the door behind her
- [20:14] * SpuN has joined #burned-ice
- [20:14] {Arsenal} oi, Spun
- [20:14] * Darin sets mode: +o SpuN
- [20:15] {Blackwidow} (here is a bit of news for you, Jennifer Garner and her hubby are divorceing)
- [20:15] {SpuN} ((Hi, Sorry. my car got locked in, couldn't get under the chain at my new apartment to get back to campus. so i ended up JUMPING my car over a snowbank and on to the road))
- [20:16] * Minx goes to get some sleep while she can.
- [20:16] {Arsenal} {ooc} *snicker* good one, Spun
- [20:16] * Leviathan rests up as well, where he's sitting
- [20:16] * SpuN is now known as ChaLk
- [20:17] * Arsenal rests up as well... been going for a few days without sleep making those explosives.
- [20:17] * Darin heads to the selected point at reasonable speed
- [20:23] {Mac-GM} The subway would be deserted except for the fact that a pair of either street residents or really badly off gangers are roasting rats over a fire in the garbage can located in the dilapidated waiting platform.
- [20:24] {Mac-GM} The tile wall is cracked and coated with half-an-inch of black, sooty, grime. Cameras in the ceiling and several of hte lights are smashed almost beyond recognition, and most of the light comes from the fire in the trashcan and the occassional passing train.
- [20:31] * Darin looks over the area
- [20:32] * Minx finds a nice room at the club to crash in.
- [20:34] * Darin starts unloading the cases and carrying them to the top of the steps
- [20:34] * Blackwidow takes some of the cases as well
- [20:35] * Darin motions to Blackwidow to continue on down, We'll keep the cases under watch
- [20:35] * Blackwidow nods and continues on down
- [20:35] {Mac-GM} ((btw, anyoen else that wants to go with, can. Widow's going to be on the train, and going in, but other characters can go with to carry the cases))
- [20:36] * ChaLk will go.
- [20:36] * Arsenal will go as well, just to keep an eye on the cases
- [20:37] * ChaLk takes up some cases and looks around
- [20:38] {Mac-GM} A train eventually pulls up, a handful of people are onboard, one or two get out here, but nobody else besides the group of you gets on.
- [20:38] {ChaLk} ((where's mac right now?))
- [20:38] * Arsenal is carrying his case and Mac's
- [20:38] {Darin} We load the cases quicly
- [20:38] {Mac-GM} ((not with you...))
- [20:39] * ChaLk loads smoothly and calmly.
- [20:39] {Mac-GM} An old lady dressed in the finest bag-lady chic is fast asleep in one of the benches of the last car, but otherwise it is empty.
- [20:39] * ChaLk sits once loaded and takes out his cellphone ((is there a signal in here?))
- [20:39] {Darin} "I'll keep an eye on you, keep a commlink open
- [20:39] {Darin} "
- [20:40] * ChaLk follows Darin
- [20:41] * Arsenal follows as well, keeping his eyes open for anyone that could be Lone Star
- [20:41] * Darin goes back to the Landrover and starts setting up his Hedgehog and Arachnids
- [20:41] {Mac-GM} The train takes off with Blackwidow, the cases and whomever else is going along to help her carry the cases off the back of the train via grapple line.
- [20:42] * Blackwidow sits down as if nothing is diff
- [20:42] {Mac-GM}