- [00:01] * ChaLk will leave with plenty of time to spare, to park his Van within 2 kms of the arc, paying for a couple days worth of parking, turning on the recievers for his remote interfaces and arming his alarm. He then catches a cab to a tram and takes it into the Arc.
- [00:01] * Arsenal waits until 9:45 to pull into the Arcology parking lot.
- [00:02] * Macavity walks over to the subway stop a few blocks away in Chinatown and takes the subway into the Arcology mall, browsing through stores there.
- [00:03] {Mac-GM} 6d6 4
- [00:03] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 6d6 vs TN=4 : 5 2 2 2 1 5 - 2 Successes
- [00:03] {Mac-GM} 6d6 4
- [00:03] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 6d6 vs TN=4 : 3 1 5 2 4 3 - 2 Successes
- [00:03] * Arsenal meets Mac in the Mall.
- [00:03] {Leviathan} 10d6 2
- [00:03] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 10d6 vs TN=2 : 1 2 9 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 - 8 Successes
- [00:04] {Arsenal} {ooc} oh, and for the record, I will be abandoning the car there...
- [00:07] {Mac-GM} 4d6 10
- [00:07] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=10 : 3 3 1 4 No Successes
- [00:07] {Mac-GM} 3d6 10
- [00:07] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 3d6 vs TN=10 : 2 4 4 No Successes
- [00:07] * Macavity ignores Arsenal and walks to another store..
- [00:08] * ChaLk is looking pretty normal (only slightly pale) with light brown hair, 'business casual' in his secure clothing. The only thing that makes him stand out at all might be his trademark Bluetinted aviator shades. He also ignores anyone else from the team while in the mall.
- [00:08] * Arsenal walks around the Mall for a bit
- [00:08] * ChaLk buys a muffin and a coffee
- [00:09] {ChaLk} ((i've got some makeup on so as to look not so albino))
- [00:09] {Leviathan} 10d6 0
- [00:09] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 10d6 : 3 5 10 2 5 5 4 3 1 4 *10*
- [00:09] {ChaLk} ((but very subtle. more like a light tanning cream))
- [00:10] {Macavity} 8d6 4
- [00:10] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 2 4 5 2 7 4 2 17 - 5 Successes
- [00:10] {Macavity} 6d6 4
- [00:10] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 6d6 vs TN=4 : 4 2 3 5 3 4 - 3 Successes
- [00:10] {Macavity} 7d6 4
- [00:10] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 7d6 vs TN=4 : 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 - 4 Successes
- [00:11] * ChaLk checks his watch and finishes his muffin, contemplates buying another from the cute waitress
- [00:11] {Macavity} 9d6 4
- [00:11] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 9d6 vs TN=4 : 2 5 2 1 3 4 4 17 3 - 4 Successes
- [00:11] * Arsenal checks his own watch
- [00:11] {Darin} 6d6 2
- [00:11] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 6d6 vs TN=2 : 2 2 3 5 4 1 - 5 Successes
- [00:11] {ChaLk} 3d6 5
- [00:11] {Shadowdice} ChaLk rolls 3d6 vs TN=5 : 2 3 2 No Successes
- [00:11] * ChaLk flirts a bit with the cute waitress
- [00:11] * Minx wanders around the arcology, going from store to store.
- [00:11] {Mac-GM} ((time is 9:45))
- [00:12] * Arsenal heads into the video store to browse the selections
- [00:12] {Arsenal} "Crap, crap, why'd they release this, this looks half-decent, crap..."
- [00:12] {Mac-GM} ((for those who are leaving, msg me with when you're free for the rest of this week))
- [00:13] {Blackwidow} (whos leaving?)
- [00:15] {Minx} ((I've got to go, got another late night game scheduled))
- [00:15] {Blackwidow} (I cant game till sat)
- [00:15] {Mac-GM} ((please do it in msg))
- [00:15] {Leviathan} 8d6 2
- [00:15] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=2 : 4 2 3 10 3 5 5 2 - 8 Successes
- [00:16] {Mac-GM} 5d6 10
- [00:16] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 5d6 vs TN=10 : 11 2 11 2 4 - 2 Successes
- [00:16] {ChaLk} 6d6 6
- [00:16] {Shadowdice} ChaLk rolls 6d6 vs TN=6 : 8 4 2 4 1 5 - 1 Success
- [00:17] * ChaLk gets the girls digits and makes ready to go to his meeting point
- [00:17] {Arsenal} chalk: flirt roll pass? ;)
- [00:18] {ChaLk} ((i figured i won't bother Mac with it right now, he's busy, but ya, 6 seemed hard but right, but ya))
- [00:18] {Mac-GM} ((chalk, roll negotiation or seduction, or default to charisma))
- [00:18] {ChaLk} ((or i will. heh))
- [00:19] {Mac-GM} ((base TN is 4))
- [00:19] {ChaLk} 2d6 4
- [00:19] {Shadowdice} ChaLk rolls 2d6 vs TN=4 : 5 4 - 2 Successes
- [00:21] * Minx has left #Burned-Ice
- [00:21] * ChaLk flashes his customary grin and makes chit chat, then letting her serve other customers excuses himself when the time is right. Chalk will head to an elevator to get to the meeting spot.
- [00:21] * Minx has joined #Burned-ice
- [00:21] {Blackwidow} (We calling it for the night?)
- [00:22] {Minx} ((Up to Mac))
- [00:22] {Blackwidow} (thought you were leaving Mael?)
- [00:22] {Darin} 9d6 8
- [00:22] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 9d6 vs TN=8 : 1 2 5 5 1 5 7 3 1 No Successes
- [00:22] * Macavity sets mode: +o Minx
- [00:22] * Arsenal heads for the elevators
- [00:23] {Minx} ((Eh, I can try to pull this off, the other is mostly RP atm, no real fighting, so I'm good))
- [00:24] {ChaLk} ((heh. multitasking at its finest))
- [00:24] * Minx shops around, waiting for the time to move...
- [00:24] {Arsenal} {ooc} *nod* knew one person that was in two online games and a face-to-face at the same time.
- [00:27] {Mac-GM} ((in #burned-sub, nobody can hear you scream))
- [00:27] {Darin} ((cause we closed the hatch ))
- [00:27] {Leviathan} 5d6+10
- [00:27] {Leviathan} i5d6+10
- [00:27] {Leviathan} 10+5d6
- [00:27] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Leviathan (10+5d6) : 30
- [00:27] {Leviathan} ((there we go))
- [00:27] {Macavity} 8+1d6
- [00:27] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Macavity (8+1d6) : 13
- [00:27] {Macavity} 6+1d6
- [00:27] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Macavity (6+1d6) : 12
- [00:27] {Macavity} 5+1d6
- [00:27] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Macavity (5+1d6) : 6
- [00:28] {Darin} i5d6
- [00:28] {Arsenal} 0+1d6
- [00:28] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Arsenal (0+1d6) : 3
- [00:28] {Arsenal} scratch that. ;)
- [00:29] {Mac-GM} ((darin you have to roll your reaction + 1d6))
- [00:29] {Darin} 5+1d6
- [00:29] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Darin (5+1d6) : 8
- [00:30] {Darin} (really quick, huh)
- [00:30] {Leviathan} 8d6 4
- [00:30] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 8 1 1 5 3 14 2 3 - 3 Successes
- [00:30] {Leviathan} 8d6 6
- [00:30] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=6 : 1 4 4 3 5 4 5 2 No Successes
- [00:33] * ChaLk reaches a hand into a handkerchief that's in his pocket and gives GINSU a pat for good luck
- [00:35] {Leviathan} 8d6 4
- [00:35] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=4 : 3 3 2 2 3 2 5 1 - 1 Success
- [00:35] * Minx ponders things to buy...and really thinks all this stuff is way too tacky...
- [00:37] {Mac-GM} 3d6 10
- [00:37] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 3d6 vs TN=10 : 2 2 3 No Successes
- [00:37] {Mac-GM} 6d6 10
- [00:37] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 6d6 vs TN=10 : 3 5 4 4 4 4 No Successes
- [00:37] {Mac-GM} 7d6 10
- [00:37] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 7d6 vs TN=10 : 2 3 1 2 9 8 9 No Successes
- [00:37] * ChaLk buys a bag of 'cats eye' marbles, a some apples, and a new red Tshirt with the ARC logo on it.
- [00:38] {Leviathan} 8d6 2
- [00:38] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 8d6 vs TN=2 : 2 5 5 3 3 2 3 4 - 8 Successes
- [00:39] * Arsenal stands by the elevator, reading the latest "Guns and Ammo For Law Enforcement", "Soldier of Fortune", "Combat Handguns", "Anime Review", "PlayElf", and "Cosmopolitan"
- [00:41] * Minx continues to mostly window shop, occasionally going into the stores that look like they may have something interesting.
- [00:43] * ChaLk checks his time again
- [00:46] {Mac-GM} ((10:00))
- [00:47] * Macavity heads over to the elevators to head up to the 21st floor..
- [00:47] * Minx wanders over to the elevators.
- [00:47] * Arsenal drops all the magazines but one, gets in the elevator, and up to the 21st floor.
- [00:49] * ChaLk goes to the el
- [00:49] * ChaLk carries his one shopping bag, complete with reciepts, and munches on a shiney new (genetically engineered) apple
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} As each of you arrive at the elevator the security guards there ask to see your ID and wave you through the scanning arch..
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:50] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 3 1 4 5 No Successes
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:50] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 5 7 5 4 - 1 Success
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:50] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 1 2 4 5 No Successes
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:50] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 5 2 5 5 No Successes
- [00:50] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:50] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 2 5 3 5 No Successes
- [00:51] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:51] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 4 3 5 11 - 1 Success
- [00:51] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:51] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 3 5 4 11 - 1 Success
- [00:51] {Mac-GM} 4d6 6
- [00:51] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 4d6 vs TN=6 : 16 5 4 5 - 1 Success
- [00:51] {Mac-GM} ((damn, the more you roll the dicebot the nice it becomes))
- [00:51] * Mac-GM pats Shadowdice on the head
- [00:51] * ChaLk shows him the ID and makes like this is an everyday thing
- [00:51] {Arsenal} *same*
- [00:52] * Minx shows the ID and heads into the Elevator.
- [00:53] {Blackwidow} 6d6 0
- [00:53] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 6d6 : 1 2 4 3 5 2 *5*
- [00:55] {Mac-GM} All of you reach the 21st floor around the same time, as you see the others you gather around....
- [00:55] {Mac-GM} ((everyone roll perception))
- [00:55] {Arsenal} 6d6 0
- [00:55] {Shadowdice} Arsenal rolls 6d6 : 4 7 1 3 2 5 *7*
- [00:55] {ChaLk} 6d6 0
- [00:55] {Shadowdice} ChaLk rolls 6d6 : 4 9 4 5 5 17 *17*
- [00:55] {ChaLk} ((Jebus))
- [00:55] {Arsenal} {ooc} sweet
- [00:55] * Macavity stares vacantly for a moment then steps out of the elevator and into the hall..
- [00:55] {ChaLk} ((i can tellya what that guard ate for breakfast two days ago and the last time the scanway was cleaned))
- [00:56] {Darin} ((enjoy, ya just used up all your dice love, heh ))
- [00:56] {Minx} 6d6 0
- [00:56] {Shadowdice} Minx rolls 6d6 : 5 3 4 11 5 1 *11*
- [00:56] {Macavity} 8d6 0
- [00:56] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 8d6 : 7 5 11 3 3 2 3 3 *11*
- [00:56] * Leviathan looks a bit forelorn, joining Macavity's side quietly
- [00:56] {Mac-GM} ((anyone using thermographic?))
- [00:56] {Leviathan} 4d6 0
- [00:56] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 4d6 : 2 2 5 16 *16*
- [00:56] * Macavity claps a hand on Leviathan's shoulder reassuringly...
- [00:56] {Arsenal} low-light, if it helps.
- [00:57] {Mac-GM} ((no, just let me know if you're using thermo))
- [00:57] {Arsenal} no thermo
- [00:57] {ChaLk} ((nope))
- [00:57] * ChaLk walks up to Mac
- [00:57] * Arsenal rolls up the copy of Anime Review he was reading on the ride up.
- [00:58] {ChaLk} {whisper} "behind us" {louder} "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
- [00:58] {Blackwidow} 7d6 6
- [00:58] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 7d6 vs TN=6 : 5 1 3 3 3 5 5 No Successes
- [00:58] * Arsenal heads over to the others. "Sure, its, 10:"whatever the time is"."
- [00:58] * Mac-GM glances back at the elevators..
- [00:59] {Macavity} 8d6 0
- [00:59] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 8d6 : 2 2 1 5 3 1 5 5 *5*
- [00:59] * Blackwidow puts a hand over chalks mouth and says in his ear "Not so loud you will give us away"
- [00:59] {Macavity} 8d6 0
- [00:59] {Shadowdice} Macavity rolls 8d6 : 3 5 2 5 4 5 3 5 *5*
- [00:59] {Arsenal} {whisper} "Do you have them, Mac?"
- [00:59] * Blackwidow then uncloaks
- [00:59] * ChaLk quiets his racing heart
- [01:00] {Macavity} "It's alright, I've got the camera's looped on this level. Let's get our gear out and secure the level. Widow, watch our backs."
- [01:00] {Blackwidow} "Glad to see you made it in one piece, I have the cases over here lets get situated and get this done and over with"
- [01:00] {Arsenal} "Right."
- [01:00] * ChaLk glances to Widow: "so uh, where do i sign for this stuff" *wink*
- [01:01] * Blackwidow shakes her head and takes up her spot by the door and engages her suit
- [01:01] * Arsenal heads over to his case, opens it, and starts donning his armor.
- [01:01] * ChaLk goes over and gears up
- [01:01] * Leviathan moves over to his case, suiting up in his armor, placing the ghastly white, human skull-looking helmet on to contrast with his matte black armor
- [01:01] * Minx heads over to her case, opening it, pulling out her armor.
- [01:02] * Minx shrugs and slips out of her clothing quickly.
- [01:02] * Macavity opens up his case and pulls out a slim foam padded case filled with small cameras and sensors...
- [01:02] * Arsenal goes through the weapons check, after donning the armor, making sure all the smartlinks work through the suit.
- [01:03] * Macavity engages Widow's help to spread them throught the entrances/exits in the immediate vicinity
- [01:03] * Leviathan straps his monosword to his leg, donning his military frame backpack and harness, setting on the max-gyro mount and putting his Stoner HMG in place
- [01:03] * ChaLk checks all his gear and gets set
- [01:03] * Arsenal hands Lev one of the breaching charges and two of the other charges, showing him quickly how to set the timer
- [01:03] * Blackwidow walks over to her case and starts to assemble her sniper rifle and straps both of her pistols to her thighs
- [01:04] * Minx stands there in a simple, seemingly armored bodysuit, then slips into the medium security armor, making sure all her knives and her pistol are ready to go.
- [01:04] {Blackwidow} (any one familiar with rifts?)
- [01:04] * Leviathan then unloads the clips in his arms, filling one with regular pistol ammo and the other with bola rounds as he watches and listens, making you wonder is he's just tucking the ammunition into a sleeve at first
- [01:04] {Arsenal} {ooc} yes
- [01:04] {Blackwidow} (Her armor looks like the glitter girls armor)
- [01:04] {Mac-GM} ((I can put pictures up on the web for people to see))
- [01:05] {Arsenal} {ooc} the ones that can only be operated by anorexic ten year olds? :)
- [01:05] * Minx is very careful with her knives, making sure to carefully store them.
- [01:06] {Blackwidow} "We ready?"
- [01:06] * Arsenal gets all his guns situated, clips in each one. "These suits have tac-comms, yes?"
- [01:06] {Blackwidow} "Yes"
- [01:06] {Mac-GM} https://isleofshadows.tripod.com/burned-ice/Kendoshi-glittergirl.jpg
- [01:06] {Mac-GM} https://isleofshadows.tripod.com/burned-ice/RA-dead02.jpg
- [01:06] * Arsenal straps a bandolier over his shoulder
- [01:06] * Leviathan nods quietly, the bobbing head looking somewhat odd. {Comm} "Ready."
- [01:06] {Mac-GM} https://isleofshadows.tripod.com/burned-ice/chalk08.jpg
- [01:07] {Blackwidow} (you will also notice that she has knives around her body as well, and what looks like a squit gun with a clip
- [01:07] {Blackwidow} (NArco jet with some rather nice rounds)
- [01:07] {Arsenal} the bandolier has several grenades on it.
- [01:07] {Arsenal} "All set."
- [01:08] {Blackwidow} "I'll take point LEv you take rear gaurd charlie Ars your in the middle Minx and Mac you are between each of us:
- [01:08] {Mac-GM} ((RA-dead02 is Leviathan))
- [01:08] * Arsenal keeps the Ingram Smartgun at the ready.
- [01:08] * Arsenal nods.
- [01:08] * Minx nods and gets into position, hands on her knives.
- [01:08] {Blackwidow} "If we encounter trouble Minx and MAc find cover I will sweep right Arse sweep left and Lev you cover our six"
- [01:08] * Leviathan takes rear
- [01:08] * ChaLk nods, wearing his med. sec armor, helmet, and holding two colt manhunters
- [01:09] {Leviathan} "Copy."
- [01:09] {Arsenal} "Roger."
- [01:09] {Blackwidow} "Chalk you also try to avoid combat as well since your our medic, we need you to secure the scientist and make shure she gets out alive"
- [01:09] {ChaLk} "I'll stay near Leviathan, but not too near. Call out your wounds if you need attention"
- [01:10] {Blackwidow} "Lets saddle up and go get our pay"
- [01:10] {ChaLk} "hopefully this'll be short and fierce"
- [01:10] * Blackwidow heads out to the door to the elevator to the 22nd floor
- [01:10] * Macavity is strewn with gear about his form-fitting body armor. Pockets on the breast, shoulders and sleeves house sensors, radio and communications gear. The two datajack leads extending from jackpoints hidden under the hair at the base of his skull lead to a large pocket on his back shrouding a skillsoft jukebox and a portable computer, while a cut down Remington Roomsweeper is stowed on the right side of the pack. A pair of Browning Ultra Power heavy pistols sit at the small of his back in concealed holsters, a pair of Savalette Guardians hang from shoulder holsters, Ceramic, black forearm guards with "Taxi-driver" hold-out pistols are attached to integral powered holsters on the insides of the forearms.
- [01:10] * Arsenal follows, staying in the center.
- [01:11] {Leviathan} ((Browni---es?))
- [01:12] {Blackwidow} "When we reach the 22nd floor stay in the ele until we know it is clear, I will scout ahead and give you the all clear"
- [01:12] * Minx looks rather bulky and unwieldy in the armor, definitely not that comfortable in it.
- [01:12] {Blackwidow} (Oh you also see what looks to be a tarp of some sort wrapped around her rifle
- [01:13] {Arsenal} {ooc} Browning Max-Powers, I think
- [01:13] * ChaLk wears a combat vest with some grenades on the outside of his heavy sec. armor. his bag of marbles added to the clips on the front.
- [01:13] * Macavity wears a pair of Browning Ultra Power heavy pistols at the small of his back in concealed holsters, a pair of Savalette Guardians hang from shoulder holsters, and another pair of Browning Max-Powers with heavy blades below the barrel-forming a hand guard. Ceramic, black forearm guards with "Taxi-driver" hold-out pistols are attached to integral powered holsters on the insides of the forearms.
- [01:13] {Blackwidow} (med sec armor chalk)
- [01:13] * Arsenal tries to see if his trench will fit over it
- [01:13] {ChaLk} (med sec noted)
- [01:13] {Macavity} (sorry, must have gotten cut off))
- [01:14] {Arsenal} Mac: it did
- [01:14] {Blackwidow} (we get to the 22nd floor?)
- [01:14] {Macavity} ((not yet...gotta deal with Darin's sub first))
- [01:14] {Blackwidow} (ok)
- [01:14] {Arsenal} {ooc} we were all given a picture of the scientist we're extracting and the others we're to bump off, right?
- [01:15] {Leviathan} ((Yes))
- [01:15] {Arsenal} {ooc} just making sure.
- [01:15] * Arsenal grumbles as the coat rips open, and tosses it aside
- [01:17] * ChaLk carries his 2 manhunters (dual shoulderholster for downtime), a ruger superwarhawk in a gunslingers holster, several varied grenades and a goodluck bat
- [01:17] * Leviathan takes a black shroud from his case, throwing it over his form
- [01:17] * Macavity throws on his black synthleather trenchcoat over his gear, adding mirror smart shades, his customary black & gunmetal grey respirator styled like the mouth of a snarling panther, and fingerless shock gloves.
- [01:18] * Leviathan pulls the hood low over his helmet
- [01:18] {Darin} 5+1d6
- [01:18] {Shadowdice} Initiative for Darin (5+1d6) : 11
- [01:19] * ChaLk stays back and clear of the big gunners, ready to take potshots and provide cover
- [01:20] {Mac-GM} ((each person has the following: Battletac Reciever, Biomonitor, Micro Camcorder w/ Recorder, Tracking Signal & personal Comm Unit Rating 6 (4km radius)))
- [01:20] {ChaLk} ((ok then :)))
- [01:21] * ChaLk also has a rucksack slung over his torso, containing med gear and tucked safely in, his remote control deck.
- [01:22] {Darin} 12d6 2
- [01:22] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 12d6 vs TN=2 : 1 3 10 4 3 3 4 5 3 3 5 2 - 11 Successes
- [01:22] {Mac-GM} 13d6 4
- [01:22] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 13d6 vs TN=4 : 9 4 4 11 5 2 5 4 3 4 4 3 8 - 10 Successes
- [01:22] {ChaLk} ((brb - momentarily))
- [01:22] * ChaLk is now known as ChaLk-brb
- [01:22] {ChaLk-brb} (keep goin)
- [01:24] * Minx follows the group, hands on her knives.
- [01:24] {Darin} 8d6
- [01:24] {Darin} 8d6 0
- [01:24] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 8d6 : 5 2 5 1 4 3 5 5