- [21:00] {Mac-GM} {{{{GAME ON}}}}}
- [21:01] {Arsenal} ((Where were we again, GM?))
- [21:01] {Mac-GM} ((elevator))
- [21:02] {Mac-GM} Macavity and Natalia Kuz'mich slip around the corner, heading down to the scuba gear left on the 21st floor as the doors to the elevator slide shut and the car starts accelerating up the shaft.
- [21:02] * Minx gets behind the prototype looking for ways to move the prototype and the gunny its on.
- [21:03] * Blackwidow stands to the side behind one of the lynx rifle slightly relaxed ready to bring it up on an instant
- [21:04] {Mac-GM} ((the gunny is powered and has controls at the back for moving it))
- [21:04] * Arsenal stays close to Minx, getting his LMG ready for action.
- [21:06] {Arsenal} ((meat shield)
- [21:06] * Minx makes sure she can work the controls.
- [21:06] {Mac-GM} On the visual indicator above the door, the floors flicker rapidly higher and the elevator icon begins to near the top of the pyramid when the sirens suddenly start wailing from every speaker.
- [21:07] {Arsenal} "We've been ratted out."
- [21:07] {Blackwidow} "Looks like they know we are hear, prepare for a hot reception"
- [21:07] {Mac-GM} You're already up past the 300th floor and Chalk looks back at you from his position by the open elevator access panel
- [21:08] {Mac-GM} {Chalk} "Do we cut the power?"
- [21:08] {Arsenal} "Your call, Widow."
- [21:08] {Blackwidow} (if we cut power what happens again)
- [21:08] {Mac-GM} ((the elevator begins a controlled fall, as Chalk will be manipulating the emergency brakes))
- [21:09] {Mac-GM} The acceleration of the elevator falls off and it begins slowing...
- [21:09] {Mac-GM} 302...303....304....305...
- [21:09] {Blackwidow} "LEts just go with the orig plan
- [21:09] {Mac-GM} the floors start passing more slowly on the indicator above the doors...
- [21:09] {Arsenal} ((How tall is the arcology again?)
- [21:09] {Blackwidow} (We are heading to what floor?)
- [21:09] {Mac-GM} ((320 floors))
- [21:10] {Blackwidow} (Then they are stopping the elevator)
- [21:10] {Mac-GM} 306...307...308...309...310.....
- [21:10] {Arsenal} ((elevator's just decelerating))
- [21:10] {Mac-GM} Now the floors are passing at a visible rate...
- [21:10] * Arsenal levels the LMG at the elevator door
- [21:10] {Blackwidow} "10 Floors lets get ready "
- [21:11] {Arsenal} "I'll play meat shield for Minx."
- [21:11] {Blackwidow} "LEt the drones go first"
- [21:11] * Minx ensures that the gunny is ready to go.
- [21:11] {Blackwidow} "I'll follow behind the drones,
- [21:11] * RustAngel is now known as Leviathan
- [21:12] {Macavity} {comm} "Can't keep the deckers off any longer.....how much longer..... til....top?"
- [21:12] {Blackwidow} "Lev will come behind me and arsenal will follow with minx and the gurrney making shure Minx doesnt get hit"
- [21:12] {Mac-GM} ((roll int, tn 4 to calculate time))
- [21:12] {Minx} 5d6 4
- [21:12] {Shadowdice} Minx rolls 5d6 vs TN=4 : 2 1 6 3 6 - 2 Successes
- [21:12] {Arsenal} 6d6 4
- [21:12] {Shadowdice} Arsenal rolls 6d6 vs TN=4 : 2 4 4 3 1 2 - 2 Successes
- [21:12] {Blackwidow} 7d6 4
- [21:12] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 7d6 vs TN=4 : 1 4 2 3 5 1 5 - 3 Successes
- [21:13] {Leviathan} 5d6 4
- [21:13] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 5d6 vs TN=4 : 4 3 4 2 7 - 3 Successes
- [21:13] {Minx} {comm} "2 minutes"
- [21:13] {Mac-GM} ((acutally that's probably too long scratch that...20 seconds))
- [21:14] {Blackwidow} {comm}"20 secs"
- [21:14] {Leviathan} "27 Seconds."
- [21:14] {Mac-GM} ((somebody should probably assume command of the team so that you don't have everyone spouting off orders))
- [21:15] {Macavity} {comm} "not.....sure...."
- [21:15] {Arsenal} ((Widow... it is her company fronting the cash))
- [21:15] {Leviathan} "Widow, this is your op. You call the shots from here."
- [21:16] * Arsenal nods agreement.
- [21:16] {Mac-GM} 314...315.... the last few floors are sliding past...
- [21:16] {Macavity} "times....up."
- [21:16] * Blackwidow nods "Lets do it, Drones first I follow behind the drones LEv you come after me Ars you stay back with Minx and make shure she doesnt get hit and we get the drone out of here"
- [21:16] * Arsenal releases the safety.
- [21:17] {Mac-GM} The lights in the lift flicker suddenly, and the security alarms fall silent. There's a jerk in your motion and the deceleration starts feeling less powered some how.
- [21:18] {Mac-GM} 316...317...318..
- [21:18] {Mac-GM} the motion of the elevator has almost fallen off completely....
- [21:18] {Minx} ((Seem like we're going to hit the top?))
- [21:18] * Mac-GM Chalk looks nervously at the rest, his hands on the wires inside the control panel
- [21:19] {Arsenal} "Damn. They cut the power."
- [21:19] {Mac-GM} ((roll int TN 6))
- [21:19] * Leviathan closes his eyes for a brief moment, centering his concentration, pulling the hood of his cloak over the helmet he's wearing, dim orange eyes glowering slightly from the internal HUD
- [21:19] {Arsenal} 6d6 6
- [21:19] {Shadowdice} Arsenal rolls 6d6 vs TN=6 : 1 3 12 1 2 2 - 1 Success
- [21:19] {Blackwidow} 7d6 6
- [21:19] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 7d6 vs TN=6 : 3 2 8 3 6 2 1 - 2 Successes
- [21:19] {Minx} 5d6 6
- [21:19] {Shadowdice} Minx rolls 5d6 vs TN=6 : 4 3 8 13 2 - 2 Successes
- [21:19] {Mac-GM} ((damn, the dice are with us tonight!))
- [21:19] {Leviathan} 5d6 6
- [21:19] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 5d6 vs TN=6 : 10 6 1 3 1 - 2 Successes
- [21:20] {Blackwidow} "Once we get out Ars just concentrate getting the drone to the Vtols and protecting Minx we will clear the way
- [21:20] {Arsenal} "Right."
- [21:20] {Mac-GM} You feel like you're going to make it, but it's going to be close. Not the stop you were hoping for, Chalk will have to throw on the brakes at the exact moment the elevator stops completely to keep it from falling back down the shaft.
- [21:20] {Blackwidow} "Lets lock and load people and stay frosty we are almost ther"
- [21:21] * Arsenal appears perfectly calm.
- [21:21] {Mac-GM} 319.....the elevator shudders slowly as motion ceases.....
- [21:21] {Mac-GM} ((someone's going to have to tell chalk when to throw on the brakes))
- [21:22] * Leviathan triggers his machine gun back to his hands. "Chalk, get ready to throw the brakes."
- [21:22] {Blackwidow} {comm}"Chalk throw them now"as we get to floor 320
- [21:22] {Arsenal} ((do we make it to floor 320?))
- [21:24] * Mac-GM Chalk taps the wires together and the heavy metallic clang of hydraulic brake shoes slamming into the sides of the elevator shaft resonates through the elevator...the elevator starts to slide back down but stops as the brakes hold snug against the sides of the shaft.
- [21:24] {Leviathan} "Someone open the door."
- [21:24] * Minx ponders the 320 floors....down. And thinks she'd like to be off the Elevator...sometime...well..now would be good.
- [21:24] {Mac-GM} On the digital display, 319 flickers to 320, then back to 319, then dies completely.
- [21:25] {Blackwidow} "Damn one floor short"
- [21:25] * Mac-GM Chalk taps together another pair of wires and the door slides open...
- [21:25] * Arsenal keeps the MG pointed out the door as it opens.
- [21:26] * Minx ducks a little.
- [21:26] {Blackwidow} ((We miss the floor?))
- [21:26] {Arsenal} ((are we between floors?))
- [21:26] {Mac-GM} About 3 inches seperate the floor of the elevator from the top of the concrete pad atop the Arcology.
- [21:27] * Mac-GM Chalk grins as he scrambles over to the manual release of the outside doors...still closed...and looks to the others.
- [21:27] * Macavity is now known as Chalk
- [21:27] * Darin spins up the vindicators
- [21:28] {Chalk} "Let's Rock and Roll!"
- [21:28] {Arsenal} {comm} "Easy does it, Chalk." ((We gonna be able to get the gurney over that 3 inches?))
- [21:28] {Leviathan} "No team casualties. Throw out the big guns and make a shot of us getting to the bird."
- [21:28] * Minx checks to see if the gunny will get over the 3 inches.
- [21:28] {Mac-GM} ((barely, it will be a big bump))
- [21:28] {Mac-GM} ((the wheels it's on are just over 6 inches))
- [21:29] {Darin} {comm} "Back it all the way back and Ram it across once I clear the way"
- [21:29] {Mac-GM} The elevator creaks ominously....
- [21:29] {Blackwidow} (The door open? and we moving)
- [21:29] * Arsenal keeps the Mg pointed out...
- [21:29] {Chalk} ((outside door is still open, Chalk waiting for your order))
- [21:29] {Blackwidow} {com}"Send the drones out"
- [21:29] {Mac-GM} ((still closed rather))
- [21:29] {Blackwidow} "Open the door"
- [21:29] {Darin} {Comm} Stick some Sammy armor next to the bump to step up with
- [21:30] {Arsenal} {comm} "Open the door, Chalk, before we go splat."
- [21:30] * Chalk triggers the door release and the outside doors slide open
- [21:30] * Minx ducks
- [21:30] * Darin rolls Lynx #1 out slowly, scanning for opposition
- [21:30] {Arsenal} {comm} "Last case scenario, we leave the goods in the elevator and kill the brakes."
- [21:31] {Blackwidow} {Comm}"Darin send out the drones I am right behind them"
- [21:31] {Mac-GM} The sounds of jet turbines and rotorblades compete with the whistling wind for dominence. Across from the elevator, a fat vectored thrust transport sits with the cargo ramp down and facing the elevator.
- [21:31] {Arsenal} "Its a long way down, and I doubt it will be usable any time soon after falling three hundred some floors at terminal velocity."
- [21:31] {Mac-GM} https://isleofshadows.tripod.com/burned-ice/roof-fight.jpg
- [21:31] * Arsenal looks around for opposition.
- [21:32] {Mac-GM} https://isleofshadows.tripod.com/burned-ice/index.html
- [21:32] {Blackwidow} (Red are the sammies?)
- [21:32] {Mac-GM} ((red are Renraku Samurai, blue are techs/non-combatants, large red dots are weapons emplacements & drones))
- [21:33] {Blackwidow} (Were are we)
- [21:33] {Mac-GM} ((elevator 12))
- [21:33] {Mac-GM} The four Red Samurai closest to the elevator look at the group of you with stunned surprise
- [21:33] {Mac-GM} ((everyone roll reaction for surprise test))
- [21:33] {Arsenal} 7d6 0
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Arsenal rolls 7d6 : 1 20 4 2 5 5 4 *20*
- [21:34] {Arsenal} ?
- [21:34] {Mac-GM} ((TN is 2))
- [21:34] {Mac-GM} 10d6 4
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 10d6 vs TN=4 : 2 21 14 9 2 4 5 1 2 2 - 5 Successes
- [21:34] {Blackwidow} 20d6 2
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 20d6 vs TN=2 : 1 7 2 1 2 5 1 2 4 8 2 4 4 5 3 1 7 5 2 2 - 16 Successes
- [21:34] {Arsenal} hell, that's 6 successes.
- [21:34] {Minx} 7d6 2
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Minx rolls 7d6 vs TN=2 : 1 1 1 6 3 2 3 - 4 Successes
- [21:34] {Arsenal} Widow: *ow*
- [21:34] {Leviathan} 10d6 2
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Leviathan rolls 10d6 vs TN=2 : 8 2 9 5 11 2 3 9 2 10 - 10 Successes
- [21:34] {Arsenal} ((How do you get a reaction of 20?)
- [21:34] {Darin} 8d6 2
- [21:34] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 8d6 vs TN=2 : 6 2 5 4 2 5 5 6 - 8 Successes
- [21:34] {Blackwidow} (I love haveing reaction increase of lvl 6)
- [21:35] {Blackwidow} (plus enhanced articulation)
- [21:35] {Chalk} 6d6 2
- [21:35] {Shadowdice} Chalk rolls 6d6 vs TN=2 : 2 3 1 1 5 2 - 4 Successes
- [21:37] {Darin} 14d6 2
- [21:37] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 14d6 vs TN=2 : 3 6 2 2 2 6 3 1 4 1 1 6 4 1 - 10 Successes
- [21:37] {Mac-GM} ((ok, Widow is first up))
- [21:38] {Blackwidow} (how many actions can I take?)
- [21:39] {Mac-GM} ((2 simple actions, 1 free or 1 free, 1 complex))
- [21:39] {Mac-GM} ((this is a surprise round, you can act against everyone with less successes than you))
- [21:39] {Mac-GM} 10d6 4
- [21:39] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 10d6 vs TN=4 : 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 - 1 Success
- [21:39] {Mac-GM} 10d6 4
- [21:39] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 10d6 vs TN=4 : 3 3 2 5 2 3 1 6 1 2 - 2 Successes
- [21:39] * Blackwidow fires at one of the further of the 4 samuri and then takes another shot at the other one
- [21:39] {Blackwidow} (so I can fire against all four?)
- [21:39] {Blackwidow} (Cause if so thats what I am doing)
- [21:39] {Mac-GM} ((what are you using?))
- [21:40] {Blackwidow} (My rifle)
- [21:40] {Mac-GM} ((it's a standard surprise round, no, you only have 2 simple actions))
- [21:40] {Blackwidow} (It is SA)
- [21:40] {Blackwidow} (okay I miss understood then)
- [21:40] {Blackwidow} (she fires at the 2 farthest of the 4 samuri's head shots)
- [21:40] {Blackwidow} (tns?)
- [21:41] {Mac-GM} ((TN is 6 for the called shots))
- [21:41] {Blackwidow} 13d6 6
- [21:41] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 13d6 vs TN=6 : 1 4 2 1 4 12 1 1 3 14 8 2 5 - 3 Successes
- [21:42] {Blackwidow} (Thats for the first head shot)
- [21:42] {Mac-GM} ((power of that?))
- [21:42] {Blackwidow} (dmg is 16S)
- [21:42] {Mac-GM} 18d6 12
- [21:42] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=12 : 3 2 7 2 2 3 1 1 8 14 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 2 - 1 Success
- [21:42] {Arsenal} (( *wince* Bot's on our side, all right))
- [21:43] {Blackwidow} (head go explody?)
- [21:43] {Mac-GM} The first Red Samurai's head explodes, the sharp whipcrack of the supersonic sniper rifle round cutting through the roar of jet engines
- [21:43] {Blackwidow} 13d6 6
- [21:43] {Shadowdice} Blackwidow rolls 13d6 vs TN=6 : 5 13 1 5 9 6 2 5 4 6 5 2 2 - 4 Successes
- [21:43] {Blackwidow} (Thats the second shot)
- [21:43] {Mac-GM} 18d6 12
- [21:43] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=12 : 5 4 1 2 4 2 5 3 6 1 1 2 5 11 2 9 2 1 No Successes
- [21:43] {Mac-GM} Joined by his other compatriot...
- [21:44] {Blackwidow} (is there like a hsock value?)
- [21:44] {Arsenal} ((Glad we're not being paid individually by the body...)
- [21:44] {Mac-GM} ((Darin is up, followed by Leviathan))
- [21:45] {Mac-GM} ((two red dots between elevator 12 and the circular helipad with the transport are down))
- [21:46] * Darin shoots at the pair to the left of the Heli with Lynx #1, splitting the burst between them
- [21:47] {Darin} 2d6 4
- [21:47] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 2d6 vs TN=4 : 4 4 - 2 Successes
- [21:48] {Darin} ((lock acquired, sprayin!))
- [21:49] {Mac-GM} ((Tn is 2 for the first, 4 for the second, 6 for the third...etc))
- [21:50] {Darin} ((Shootin at 4 targets in small arc, range varies))
- [21:51] {Darin} 7d6 2
- [21:51] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 7d6 vs TN=2 : 2 1 2 1 2 13 2 - 5 Successes
- [21:51] {Mac-GM} ((it's a smartgun, so you don't lose any bullets in between targets))
- [21:51] {Darin} 10d6 4
- [21:51] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 10d6 vs TN=4 : 4 1 1 3 2 8 1 2 3 9 - 3 Successes
- [21:51] {Darin} 10d6 6
- [21:51] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 10d6 vs TN=6 : 7 4 1 2 5 3 11 7 17 1 - 4 Successes
- [21:51] {Darin} 10d6 8
- [21:51] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 10d6 vs TN=8 : 1 5 1 1 13 7 6 10 4 3 - 2 Successes
- [21:53] {Mac-GM} 18d6 11
- [21:53] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=11 : 2 1 3 4 6 12 1 1 14 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 12 4 - 3 Successes
- [21:53] {Mac-GM} 18d6 11
- [21:53] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=11 : 7 6 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 4 3 No Successes
- [21:53] {Mac-GM} 18d6 11
- [21:53] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=11 : 8 4 2 5 6 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 4 4 1 7 1 1 No Successes
- [21:54] {Mac-GM} 18d6 10
- [21:54] {Shadowdice} Mac-GM rolls 18d6 vs TN=10 : 2 2 3 1 1 15 3 5 2 2 5 1 3 4 5 1 1 2 - 1 Success
- [21:54] {Blackwidow} (ouch that is going to hurt)
- [21:55] {Mac-GM} The first three Samurai are riddled by the stream of hot lead, dying where they stand. The third manages to escape with only a serious wound...
- [21:55] {Mac-GM} ((Other drone Darin?))
- [21:55] {Darin} ((4 bullets each for 1st 2nd, & 3rd, 3 for last one))
- [21:56] {Minx} ((Wait, first three sam's are dead, then the 4th your mean escapes with a serious wound?))
- [21:56] {Darin} ((Heh Heh Heh , escapes death at that instant))
- [21:56] {Blackwidow} (there were only 2 Sams left in fornt of us after Widows shot)
- [21:57] {Darin} ((I'm shootin ones farther away too))
- [21:57] {Blackwidow} (oh ok)
- [21:57] {Mac-GM} ((at the moment, none of hte Sams to the left of elevator 12 are standing, only 1 to the right - facing the transport))
- [21:58] {Mac-GM} ((I should have numbered these too))
- [21:58] {Darin} Lynx #2 fires at 2 across to the right side, 1 close, other farther , on corner of pad
- [21:59] {Darin} 7d6 2((Wait, whats that 4 legged thing to the lower side of the transport?
- [22:02] {Arsenal} .
- [22:02] {Mac-GM} ((A Renraku drone, similar to your Steel Lynx in size))
- [22:02] {Darin} Lynx #2 hoses down the Renraku Drone with a full burst
- [22:03] {Darin} 7d6 2
- [22:03] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 7d6 vs TN=2 : 1 2 5 1 3 1 1 - 3 Successes
- [22:03] {Darin} ((locked on))
- [22:03] {Darin} 7d6 2
- [22:03] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 7d6 vs TN=2 : 1 2 2 5 2 1 4 - 5 Successes
- [22:11] {Mac-GM} ((A, B, C, E, and the two by F are down))
- [22:12] {Arsenal} ((and who's up}))
- [22:12] {Arsenal} -}+)
- [22:12] {Blackwidow} (that leaves D and the 2 in the transport itself)
- [22:13] {Blackwidow} (Q and R plus the ones on the 4 corners of the pad l,k,j
- [22:13] {Mac-GM} ((The grey areas are not walls, they're open, empty spaces going down to the ceiling of the floor below the white are catwalks))
- [22:13] {Mac-GM} ((so you have LOS to everyone on that map))
- [22:14] {Darin} 7d6 2
- [22:14] {Shadowdice} Darin rolls 7d6 vs TN=2 : 2 1 1 6 3 1 5 - 4 Successes
- [22:15] {Darin} ((the whole burst))
- [22:15] {Mac-GM} ((Anti-vehicular ammo, right?))
- [22:16] {Arsenal} ow
- [22:16] {Darin}