Spotlights and strobes at the nightclub not enough for you any more?
Theyve got clothing that can display moving images, change color,
and even give you that glow-from-below to make you look more sinister
with some illumi strips on the lapels.
Body armor is in for anyone who has to travel the streets. Looking like you arent armored in 2054 is like being fat in 1588 or thin in 1926: its a sign of wealth. Either youre rich enough to afford clothing that doesnt look armored, or youre so rich that the people who are a threat to you cant get past your security.
Naturally, theres a counter-reaction to whatevers popular, so the heavily armored look is really popular among teens whose parents are all trying to look like firefights dont happen on the same planet they live on. Savvy parents are secretly glad that their offspring are actually safer because of their rebellious natures.
Of course, overcoats and umbrellas that are proof against acid rain are a must in most urban areas in the Shadowrun world. Seattles air is better than most places, since they get ocean breezes on a regular basis, but inland cities are much more terrifying.
Shadowruns technology base doesnt need a lot of extra work to be compatible with a lot of the style of CP2020. The important things to introduce are a number of devices of the same tech level as ruthenium polymers. The technology probably involves conductive polymers (already possible in the 1990s by doping otherwise nonconductive polymers) and some sort of LED-like creation that can also be made flexible. These appear as:
The corporations just love advertising, and you can get everything from Knight-Errant baseball caps to Wearman jackets showing a continuous stream of specifications on the latest weapons from Ares Arms at the AresWear company store. Similar situations exist for all the other megacorps. Mock uniforms are available for the kids who want to grow up to be Red Samurai, and such gear always has easily distinguishable markings that make it easy to tell a real Red Samurai from someone in a company suit if you know what to look for and the professionals definitely know what to look for.
On the street, people need to be ready for action. For trouble, you need armor; if youre on the make, you need to be able to show your assets. The layered look of the 2050s usually involves a bulky long coat or armor jacket over close-fitting clothing underneath.
The average wage slave tends to wear either a corporate uniform (usually a once-piece jumpsuit check out Uniwear on p59 of Chromebook 1) or slacks and a cheaper version of the button-up collarless shirts popular in the boardroom.
Boardroom fashions are still dominated by the Western business suits that have changed little since the Twentieth Century. Lapels are narrow, and the most popular styles fit the body very closely, displaying the lean and mean physiques of corporate go-getters to advantage. Many shirts have lost their collars entirely, bidding farewell to ties. Check out Takanaka fashions on p63 of Chromebook 1.
In the world of Luxury lifestyle, fashion knows no bounds... including those of taste. Ornamental technology is common as a means of demonstrating wealth. A Luxury party is liable to have everything from people in the finest of boardroom fashions to Native American leathers, kimonos, saris, or bizarre new creations that flaunt a persons particular assets. Exposed skin is very popular for showing off those gymnasium physiques and laughing in the face of a world that needs body armor, so slashed sleeves and gauzy, semitransparent materials are common.
Style & Quality Modifiers
Misc Options
Conceal = Base Conceal - 1/2 Ballistic - 2 x Impact
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Magic & FashionWith the reality of magic on the streets, New-Age style fashions have become very prevalent again, although more often with mundane individuals than Awakened Magicians.Since the Fashion spell is one of the most useful in the game, here is the Object Resistance Table entries of various cloths. Natural fibers that only require minimal processing are easier to work with than leather that’s been through a heavy tanning process. |
There are many other things that can damage runners besides bullets and heavy blows. Fire, electricity, acid, and cold can all be deadly, as can a lack of common sense or caution. These modifications are offered by several companies to help protect against these kinds of hazards.
Each of these modifications can be integrated into any standard or name-brand armor clothing, diving armor, form-fitting armor, security armor and even hardened armor (unless otherwise noted). Each armor modification is represented by rating points. The rating of a single modification cannot exceed the highest Ballistic or Impact rating of the item. In addition, the total ratings of the modifications given to an armor item cannot exceed the combined Ballistic and Impact ratings of the armor. Unarmored clothing can also use these modifications, but the maximum rating and total ratings cannot exceed 2.
Armor modifications are cumulative with other protections against specific forms of damage. For example, the damage from a flamethrower elemental manipulation spell is reduced by half Impact armor. If the victim were wearing armor that also had 2 points of fire resistance, the Power would be reduced by hlaf the Impact rating +2.
Chemical Seal In a world where acid rain and heavy air pollution are present in every city, chemical seals are a common accessory to outdoor clothing. Water-resistant, nonporous impermeable materials added to a piece of armor can protect the wearer from liquid-based chemical attacks. Each point of chemical seal reduces by 1 the Power of contact-vector compounds.
Fire Resistance
Gel Packs Gel packs effectively turn a normal piece of armor into hardened armor. If the base Power of an attack is lower than the armor rating, the attack does no damage. If the base Power exceeds the base armor rating, then treat it as a normal attack. Gel packs are noticable and halve the concealability of an armor (round down). Because gel packs solidify to absorb a hit, they impose a +2 penalty to the Body Test for Knockdown. Because Gel Packs are bulky, increase the Ballistic and Impact Armor ratings by 50% when checking for Combat Pool loss. Gel Packs cannot be added to Diving, Form-Fitting, or Hardened Armor. Only one set of Gel Packs may be added to an armor and no other armors may be layered with Gel Packs. When added to unarmored clothing, Gel Packs give that clothing a hardened armor rating of 1/1
Insulation Nonconductive |
Thermal Dampening This modification reduces a user's heat signature to make him less detectable by thermographic vision and infrared sensors. An inner layer captures and channels the body's heat into a chemical chill can while an outer layer maintains a surface temperature equivalent to that of the surrounding air. Thermal dampening is only effective on outfits that cover the entire body (head-to-toe jumpsuits, cloaks, and full-coverage armor). Each point of thermal dampening adds a +1 modifier to perception Tests to notice the target using thermographic vision and also increases the target's Signature against drone and vehicle sensors by +1. The maximum modifier available is +6. The chemical chill can is normally good for 120 minutes. Replacement cans take a complex action to swap in and out and the chill can takes 2 hours to dissapate the stored heat.
Aural Dampening Chameleon Camouflage System |
Armor Modification | Conceal | Weight | Availability | Cost | St. Index | Legality |
Chemical Seal | -- | -- | +1/+12 hrs | +(Rating x 250 nĄ) | +0.25 | Legal |
Fire Resistance | -- | -- | +1/+12 hrs | +(Rating x 100 nĄ) | +0.25 | Legal |
Gel Packs | * | +25% | x2/x4 | x5 | +2 | 4-L |
Insulation | -1 / 2 points | +0.5 / point | +1/+12 hrs | +(Rating x 150nĄ) | +0.25 | Legal |
Nonconductive | -- | -- | +2/+24 hrs | +(Rating x 200 nĄ) | +0.25 | Legal |
Thermal Dampening | -- | -- | x2/x4 | +(Rating x 1,500 nĄ) | +2 | Legal |
Aural Dampening | -- | +25% | x2/x4 | 10,000 + (Rating x 2,000 nĄ) | +2 | Legal |
Base Chameleon System | +4 | +25% | x2/x4 | 20,000 nĄ + 10,000 nĄ/m^2 | +2 | Legal |
Additional Imagers | +4 | +0.5 lbs | x2/x4 | +5,000 nĄ | +2 | Legal |
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