Stephanie was born in 2029, a normal mundane girl to German-American parents who
were both doctors and expected their daughter to follow in their footsteps. A
bright young girl, she entered the pre-med program at Temple University when she
was 15, and completed the program in 4 years, in the top 10% of her class. Things
went well in medical school for the next three years, but in the beginning of her
fourth year she was hit with UGE (Unexplained Genetic Expression) and "goblinized"
into an orc. Along with the metamorphosis, she acquired a physiological disorder
that caused breathing problems when the moisture content of the air dropped below
a certain level.
On top of the other physical changes, the sudden change in people's behavior
and in her own mental abilities triggered a sudden loss of self-esteem and a drop
in her grades. Her parents, shocked by the change and frightened of what it would
mean to her career, pushed her harder to complete her studies and recieve her MD.
In a fit of rebellion, she quit medical school and joined the Marines.
The UCAS government had gotten over its problems with metahumans by this point in time
and recognized the fact that in many cases, metahumans proved to be superior soldiers
in the military. After a brief loss of trust in the officers who had undergone UGE, the
UCAS regained its confidence in their capabilities and re-issued SINs to all of the
metahuman officers within its ranks. Stephanie proved herself in the Marines, keeping
up despite informal hazing and the hard work that fell on metahuman shoulders more
often than not.
One day, SEAL Captain John Myers, was reviewing the young recruits and he noticed
Stephanie, whose looks could not be hidden even by the "goblinization". When he
checked on her record, he was even more amazed. Here was an outstanding MD
candidate with degrees in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine who had excelled through
Marine basic training. He quickly extended her the offer to enter SEAL basic
training, and if she passed that, to become a member of his SEAL team.
Stephanie leapt at the chance, amazed at her fortune. John's interest in
her did amazing things for her self-esteem and she bulled her way through SEAL basic
training, became a member of his team, and a frequent guest to his quarters.
In 2059, Stephanie and John were going to be married, when the team got
called to go on a mission into the Carribean. The mission turned into a disaster,
when a dragon unexpectedly showed up. John and half of the team perished in fire,
and Stephanie barely made it out alive. She was awarded a Purple Heart for courage
under fire, and recieved an honorable discharge when she put in her request to leave
the SEALs. For her years of outstanding service to her country, the UCAS left her the
cyberware she had recieved, and issued her papers and permits for the cyberware and
military gear along with her SIN.