Name: |
Michael Yu |
Streetname(s): |
Macavity |
Born: Yu Cheng Ho |
Player: | Macavity | Age: |
24 | Hair: | Black |
A | Resources | 1,000,000 |
Race: | Human | Height: |
5'7" | Eyes: | Hazel |
B | Magic | Adept |
Sex: | Male | Weight: |
150 lbs | Skin: | Fair |
C | Attributes | 24 |
Ethnicity: Eurasian (Chinese) |
D | Skills | 30 |
Archtype: Adept Decker/Assassin |
E | Race | Human |
Description: "Macavity is very tall and thin, you would know him if
you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in. His brow deeply lined with thought,
his head is highly domed; His coat is dusty from neglect, his black hair is
uncombed. He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake;
And when you think he's half asleep, he's always wide awake."
Macavity is a slight boyish figure with a young, clean-shaven, semi-androgynous
face, high cheekbones, and exotic almond shaped eyes which rarely blink or alter
their cool green cybernetic gaze. The tips of long, thin, lynx-like ears poke through
the chin-length metallic blue bangs. He has the strong upper body build of a
gymnast or swimmer and the smooth careful cat-like movements of a trained martial
Macavity has expensive and refined tastes when it comes to belongings. Clothes are
always the best that his nuYen can buy, not necessarily the current vogue so much as his
particular style of dark, subdued colors and simple, clean lines -- with a definite
gothic/industrial slant. The same is applied to his gear. SOTA, heavily customized,
and minimalist -- stripped of everything but the features he uses.
Fastidious, meticulous, and precise, Macavity is greatly bothered by messy environments,
and keeps himself and his homes impeccably clean and neatly organized. If it were possible
he would have the Makeover spell permenantly spell-locked onto him.

*mudra - intricate, hieroglyphic mystical hand gestures originating from ancient India
Martial Arts Maneuvers
Choy-Li-Fut Kung Fu |
Advantages: +2 to the Power of Multi-Strike & Whirling attacks
Disadvantages:-2 dice for Subduing or Called Shot |
An aggressive form, concentrating on long hand techniques like roundhouse and overhand swings. A Choy-Li-Fut master will immediately attack,
plunging right into the middle of any group of opponents and using
a circular parry to fend off attacks while lashing out with a flurry
of hand strikes, snap kicks and back sweeps.
Maneuvers | Effects |
Kip-up | Quickness(6) Free Action to regain feet |
Multistrike | Multiple Targets TN +1/Target, Power -1 |
Whirling | Negates Friends in combat, +1 TN to attacks |
Blind Fighting | -2 Visibility TNs |
Loong-Yin-Kuen Kung Fu |
Advantages:+1 bonus to Focus Will & Focus Strength
Disadvantages: +2 TN Subduing & Pulled Punch
Maneuvers | Effects |
Focus Strength | +2 Str to next melee attack |
Focus Will | +3 Will on next melee attack |
Full Offense | +1 Damage Level, -2 TN to be hit |
Tai Chi Ch'uan | Advantages:Simple Action for Focus Strength & Focus Will Disadvantages: -2 Dice to Charging |
Maneuvers | Effects |
Focus Strength | Simple Action - Next Attack +1 Power |
Throw | +2 TN, 1/2 Power & Str (Bod-Melee successes) throw.
| Focus Will | Simple Action - Next Attack +2 Will |
Savate | Advantages:+2 die Kick Attack Disadvantages:-1 die enclosed/restrictive space |
Maneuvers | Effects |
Kick Attack | +1 Reach, -1 to Opponents TN for next turn |
Ground Fighting | Negates foe's opponent prone modifier |
Close Combat | Negate Reach bonuses, -1 to Power |
Silat Katar |
Advantages:+1 die for Multistrike & Whirling attacks
Disadvantages:-3 die Subduing or Full Defense |
A martial art varient of the dance-like Pencak Silat, this Malay knife fighting style emphasizes aggressive flurries of blows using punch
- daggers.
Maneuvers | Effects |
Edged Multistrike | Multiple Targets TN +1/Target, Power -1 |
Whirling | Negates Friends in combat, +1 TN to attacks |
Ranged Weapon Maneuvers
Pistols - Browning Multi-Power | |
Maneuvers | TN Mod | Effects |
Snapshot | -1 | Aim/Fire Simple Action |
Hammer | -1 | Aim/Fire Twice Simple Action |
Drop Shot | +2 | +2 penalty to be hit diving |
Deflection Shot | +7 | Aimed riccochet, TN-(Math SPU Rating) |
Mirror Shot | +4 | Aimed shot using reflected LOS |
Pistols - Browning Tri-Power | |
Maneuvers | TN Mod | Effects |
Snapshot | -1 | Aim/Fire Simple Action |
Hammer | -1 | Aim/Fire Twice Simple Action |
Drop Shot | +2 | +2 penalty to be hit diving |
Deflection Shot | +7 | Aimed riccochet, TN-(Math SPU Rating) |
Mirror Shot | +4 | Aimed shot using reflected LOS |
Identities | Residences | Costs |
Real SIN (Michael Yu, Grad Student, U-SeaTac)
Current Funds: 1,035¥
Low Lifestyle: College Room & Board
Income: 833¥ /month
Seattle: Medium, Middle Class Apartment (shared)
2 bedroom, full bath, common room, kitchen
Basic Trideo Service
High Speed Matrix Access
100¥/month |
Fake SIN Rating 8 (John Lee, M3 Information Systems)
Current Funds: 9,810¥
Middle Lifestyle: 5,000¥/month
Income: Variable
Seattle: Small, High Class Apartment
1 bedroom, full bath, small common room
Fax, Vidphone Service, Full Trid Service
High Speed Matrix Access
Equipment Cache
GMC Hauler & AS-240 Trailer
High Lifestyle Supplies: 1,000¥/month
Equipment Cache
6,200¥/month |
Fake SIN Rating 3 (Van Fanel, Computer Artist)
Current Funds: 1,735¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Income: Variable
SeaTac - 7 Airport Lockers
Monthly BTL Costs:
Seattle - Coffin Hotel - The Cube
Cincinnati - Coffin Hotel - Neon Tier
New Orleans - Coffin Hotel - Le Cercueil Vigne
Denver - Coffin Hotel - Vertical Limit
Equipment Cache
140¥/month 1,000¥/month |
Fake (FBI) SIN Rating 8
(Alec Long, Antique Dealer - Universal Exports)
Current Funds: 24,000¥
Middle Lifestyle: 5,000¥/month
Income: Variable
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
London - Small, Middle Class Apartment
Bed/common room, full bath (Above Haykes Pub)
High Speed Matrix Access, 1,000 Mp Computer
Heathrow Airport - 4 Airport Lockers
Chiba - Coffin Hotel - Cheap Hotel
Vladivostok - Small Middle Class Apartment
(Valya's Wind Rest Hotel) 1 bedroom, half bath
Equipment Cache
200¥/month 80¥/month
contact upkeep |
Fake SIN Rating 4 (Michael Lee, Howling-Mad Couriers)
Current Funds: 0¥
Low Lifestyle: 1,000¥/month
Income: 500¥/month
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Permenant Squatter Lifestyle: 10,000¥
Cincinnati - Small, Low Class Apartment
1 bedroom, half bath (Above Liz's Bar)
Equipment Cache
Seattle - Coffin Hotel - Drac's Coffins
Denver - Coffin Hotel - Vertical Limit
London - Coffin Hotel - Mycroft
GMC Hauler & AS-240 Trailer
Middle Lifestyle Supplies: 500¥/month
Equipment Cache
1,000¥/month |
Real SIN (Yu Cheng-Ho, Hong Kong Resident)
Current Funds: 0
Squatter Lifestyle: Free
Income: None
Hong Kong- Large, Middle Class Apartment (family)
2 bedroom, 1 master bedroom, 2 full bath, kitchen,
dining room, living room, 1 office