The MX-3 Killer Bee is a unique security grade combat drone from Morpheus International that combines internal weaponry, powerplant and electronics within an insect like smart material exoskeleton. One of the unique features of the Killer Bee rotor-drone is the set of six articulated limbs used both for landing on surfaces and as a grapple. Each of the limbs is equipped with retractable razors and a foot spur designed for use both as weapons and to secure the drone to a moving or non-horizontal surface.
The weapons fit of the Killer bee consists of a Vindicator Minigun mounted in the 'thorax' region and beneath the 'head' of the drone, with a 200 round belt. This is backed up by an Amtech AGL-12 Gernade Launcher, mounted in a remote micro turret at the tip of the 'abdomen' capable of 270° rotation.
Handling | Speed | Accel | Body | Armour | Sig | ||
2/3 | 230 | 20 | 2 | 4 | 5 | ||
Autonav | Pilot | Sensor | Cargo | Load | |||
-- | 1 | 1 | 0 | 8.6 | |||
Seating | 0 | Setup/Breakdown | 5 | ||||
Entry | None | Landing/Takeoff | VTOL | ||||
Fuel | Turbine ( 120 liters ) | Economy | 0.25 km/liter | ||||
DP Cost | 2144 | Cost | 260,000 ¥ | ||||
Template | Rotary UAV, Medium | Reference | The Shop | ||||
Features |
Increased Cargo Space (CF 10) Acceleration Increase (Level 14) Load Increase (Level 11) Remote-Control Interfaces ( 0) Rigger Adaptation ( 0) Standard Armour (Armour 4) Speed Increase (Level 170) Handling Improvement (Level 2) Smart Materials ( 0) Fixed mount, int Firmpoint (Quantity 1) Remote Micro Turret (Quantity 1) Articulated Arthropod Legs/Grapple |
Type | Load | Damage | Cost | ||||
Weapons |
Vindicator Minigun 200 round belt Armtech MGL-12 12 Gernade Clip Retractable Razors (6) Foot Spur Anchors (6) |
LMG Regular Gernade IPE Offensive HE Melee Melee |
15 10 5 1.25 - - |
7S NA as gernade 15S 3L 3M |
12,500 ¥ 800 ¥ 2,200 ¥ 250 ¥ Cost already factored in |
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