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RACES | ![]() |
Here's a list of races available in my games along with additional notes. The major metahuman races are capitalized and boldfaced and are followed by all the currently documented sub-varients of that race. The creation costs are reworked from FASA's rules to reflect the population distribution of the various metatypes.
Creation Cost |
Race | Modifications | Edges | Flaws |
0 | HUMAN | No Mods | No Edges | No Flaws |
30 | No Mods | Enhanced Physical Attributes; Enhanced Senses; Essence Drain; Immunity (Age, Disease, Poison); Regeneration; Thermographic Vision |
Aggravated Damage: Fire; Induced Dormancy: Wood; Essence Loss; Allergy Sunlight, Severe; Dietary Requirement(Blood); Bio-Rejection |
10 | DWARF | +1 Bdy, -1 Quick, +2 Str, +1 Will |
Thermographic Vision, +2 Body, disease | Short, |
15 | +1 Bdy, +2 Str, +1 Will |
Thermographic Vision, +2 Body, disease | Short, furry | |
15 | +2 Bdy, -1 Quick +2Str, +1 Will |
Thermographic Vision, +2 Body, disease | Short, furry | |
15 | +1 Bdy, -1 Quick +2 Str, +2 Will |
Thermographic Vision, +2 Body, disease | Short, | |
30 | +1 Bdy, -1 Quick +2 Str, +1 Will, -2 Int |
Enhanced Physical Attributes; Enhanced Senses; Essence Drain; Immunity (Age, Disease, Poison); Regeneration; Thermographic Vision |
Aggravated Damage: Fire & Iron; Essence Loss; Allergy Sunlight, Severe; Dietary Requirement(Flesh); Bio-Rejection |
5 | ELF | +1 Quickness, +2 Chr | Low Light Vision | No Flaws |
10 | +2 Chr, +1 Will | Low Light Vision | ||
10 | +2 Chr, +2 Quickness | Low Light Vision | Mild Allergy, Sunlight | |
10 | +3 Chr, -1 Str, -1 Bod | Low Light Vision, Animal Empathy | Mild Allergy, Urban Areas |
+30 | +2 Chr, +1 Quickness | Enhanced Physical Attributes; Enhanced Senses; Essence Drain; Immunity (Age, Disease, Poison); Regeneration; Fear; Cold Aura Low Light Vision |
Aggravated Damage: Fire, Silver; Induced Dormancy: Wood; Essence Loss; Bio-Rejection Allergy Sunlight, Severe; Dietary Requirement(Blood); Mild Allergy: Urban Areas |
5 | ORK | +3 Bod, +2 Str, -1 Chr, -1 Int | Low Light Vision | None |
10 | +2 Bod, +2 Str, -1 Chr | Low Light Vision | None | |
10 | +2 Bod, +2 Str, -1 Chr, -1 Int, +1 Will |
Low Light Vision, Magical Aptitude | None | |
10 | +3 Bod, +2 Str, -1 Int | Low Light Vision | None | |
15 | +2 Bod, +2 Str, -1 Chr, -1 Quickness, +1 Will |
Low Light Vision | None | |
+30 | +3 Bod, +3 Str, -2 Chr, -2 Int | Enhanced Physical Attributes; Enhanced Senses; Essence Drain; Immunity (Age, Disease, Poison); Regeneration; Low Light |
Aggravated Damage: Fire & Ferrous Metals; Essence Loss; Allergy Sunlight, Moderate; Dietary Requirement(Flesh); Bio-Rejection |
10 | TROLL | +5 Bod, -1 Quick, +4 Str, -2 Int, -1 Will, -2 Chr |
Thermographic, +1 Reach, Dermal Armor (+1 Bod) | None |
15 | +5 Bod, -1 Quick, +6 Str, -2 Int, -1 Will, -2 Chr |
Thermographic, +1 Reach | +2 TN for ranged attacks |
15 | +4 Bod, -1 Quick, +3 Str, -2 Int, -1 Will |
Thermographic, +1 Reach | No Flaws | |
15 | +4 Bod, -1 Quick, +5 Str, -2 Int, -1 Will, -2 Chr |
Thermographic, +1 Reach | No Flaws | |
15 | +4 Bod, -1 Quick, +3 Str,
-1 Int, -1 Chr, -1 Will |
Thermographic, +1 Reach | No Flaws | |
30 30 | SASQUATCH | +4 Body, +3 Str, -2 Int | Low Light Vision, +1 Reach Magically Active(Shamanic) | Furry, Mild Allergy: Urban Areas |
+20 | GHOUL | +2 Bod, +1 Str, -1 Int , -2 Chr, -1 Essence |
Enhanced smell; Enhanced Hearing; Dual-Natured; +1 Running Multiplier; Claws (STR)M |
Mild Allergy, Sunlight; Blind; Dietary Requirement; Sensitive System |
Habitat: Humans prefer to dwell in above ground, roofed structures. Habits: Most humans prefer daytime activity. Their diet is omnivorous. Human populations live in small family groups, pairs of adults, or alone. The worldwide average human life span in 55 years. The breeding season is unrestricted. Gestation is 266.5 days. |
Habitat: This subspecies prefers artificial or natural caverns in wilderness areas. In urban environments, dwarfs show a preference for dwelling in basements or subbasements. Habits:Dwarfs may be active by day or night. Their diet is omnivorous. Populations form small family groups, and though they show isolationalist tendencies, small enclaves are found in communities all over the world. Their life span in unverified, but predictions based on metabolic rates run to more than a hundred years. Their breeding season is unrestricted. The gestation period is 284 days. Goblins
KoborokuruJapanese dwarfs, called koborokuru, are slightly smaller than their Western counterparts and possess extensive body hair. Like other metahumans, koborokuru are not looked upon kindly in Japanese society. In fact, Japanese anti-metahuman prejudice has saddled koborokuru with an undeserved reputation as rude and primitive individuals. Like gnomes, koborokuru prefer rural and wilderness areas over urban environments.MenehuneThe menehune, or Children of the Land, are named for the original "little people" of Hawai'i. Menehune are shorter than most dwarfs and possess luxuriant body hair, thick muscles, large noses, bushy eyebrows and stringy hair. According to local legends, the menehune's ancestors came fromt eh lost continent of Mu, or Atlantis, but modern biologists and anthropologists place little stock in such fables.GnomesMembers of the gnome subgroup inhabit Central Europe and Asia Minor. Gnomes are distinguished from common dwarfs by longer noses and a shorter, more childlike physique. Gnomes tend to favor rural environments over urban settings. Most cling to the behaviors traditionally attributed to their race by mythology and seem unnerved by modern technology. All known magical gnomes are shamans. |
Habitat: In urban areas, elves inhabit standard human structures. In wilderness areas, they prefer to live in structures built of natural materials or living plants. Habits: Elves are nocturnal beings. Their diet is vegetarian. They tend to live in small groups, preferably apart from the rest of humanity. The elf life-expectancy is unverified, with possible life spans of several hundred years, but metabolic studies are inconclusive. The elven breeding season is unrestricted. Gestation is 360 days. Bain Sidhe
WakyambiThe wakyambi are an extremely rare elven subgroup native to Africa. The wakyambi often lack pointed ears and are noticeably thinner and taller than other elves, many growing as tall as trolls and a rare few even taller. Wakyambi almost always possess black or brown skin, although rare albino wakyambi are known to exist, characterized by white skin, no body hair and red eyes. All known albino wakyambi shun the modern world and live deep within the jungles of the African heartland.The Night OnesA mostly European metavariant of elves known by their own choice as the Night Ones, possess the distinguishing physical characteristic of fine fur covering their bodies. This layer of fur is indistinguishable from skin at a distance, but the fact that the fur ranges in color from black to violet to blue, with some rare examples of green and a very deep orange, makes this metavariant quickly apparent at close range. The Night Ones' hair and eyes are usually a tint of their skin color, though a few rare Night Ones have silver hair and eyes.Because the most common colors of fur are the dark shades, the general public almost immediately dubbed these elves the Dark Elves. Despite popular urban myth, the night ones are not a cult or an "evil" elven subgroup. Found mainly in Europe, an increasing number of Night Ones have been appearing in the Tir nations. Night ones have a mild allergy to sunlight and so prefer to live and work at night, but otherwise they resemble other elves. DryadsDryads are an all-female metavariant of elves characterized by an average height of just more than 1 meter and hair color that appears to change with the season of the areas in which they live (for example, brown or white in winter months, bright green in the summer and various oranges, reds and yellows in the autumn months). All dryads have dark brown eyes with no visible pupils.No matter where they are born, all dryads migrate to forested or wooded areas as soon as they are capable of traveling on their own--the further away from the urban sprawl, the better. The longer they live in these isolated areas, the more feral they become, in a voluntary seperation from society that includes speaking a language only other dryads understand. While scientific studies cannot pinpoint any specific medical reason for it, dryads exhibit a Mild allergy to urban areas, displaying all the physical and mental strains common to any allergy sufferer whenever they travel away from their home. All known dryads are shamans who follow a variation fo the Great Mother totem. The dryads call their totem Father Tree but the game stats are the same. |
Habitat: Usually in roofed buildings or underground. Habits: Orks are active day and night, but seem to prefer the night. Their diet is omnivorous, but with a distinct preference for meat. Populations form large groups, often with a tribal structure. The typical life span appears to be between 35 and 40 years. Their breeding season is unrestricted. Gestation is 187 days. Wendigo
HobgoblinThe hobgoblins of the Middle East are smaller and slighter than most ork variants. Hobgoblins' greenish skin tones, sharp teeth and dark, beady eyes give them a fierce appearance, which has contributed to the anti-metahuman prejudice in the Middle East, among Fundamentalist sects. Hobgoblins are also distinguished by their vicious tempers and strong sense of personal honor, which demands that hobgoblins avenge any slight or disrespect directed toward them.OniJapanese orks, or oni, have bright red, blue or orange skin. Less apparent physical characteristics include slightly protuberant eyes; enlarged, pointed ears; and horns. Additionally, oni display a higher than average propensity for magical ability. Oni are reputedly treacherous and hostile, but this view seems more a product of Japanese anti-metahuman prejudice than of any inherent oni characteristics.OgreMembers of the European ogre subgroup are shorter and stockier than most orks. They possess smoother skin and less body hair than other orks, as well as pronounced jaw lines.SatyrMembers of the Mediterranean satyr subgroup often possess relatively small physical builds, furry lower bodies, cloven hooves and small, curly horns. Popular myth to the contrary, satyrs are not all musicians or "party animals." Nearly all satyrs possess magical abilites and follow the way of the shaman. Most follow the totem of Bacchus. This totem resembles the Greek god of the same name. |
Habitat: Trolls who live in wilderness areas use caverns and converted structures such as bridges for their dwelling places. In urban areas, they prefer areas shunned by "normals," such as sewers or derelict buildings. Habits: Trolls prefer nighttime activity. Their diet is omnivorous. Populations usually congregate in small groups, which often cohabit with subspecies robustus. Metabolic studies and direct observation indicate a life expectancy of about 50 years. The breeding season is unrestricted. Gestation is 259 days. |
CyclopsGreek and Mediterranean trolls, known as cyclops are larger and more heavily muscled than other trolls but lack most of the dermal bone deposists common among trolls. They are most easily distinguised by the fact that they have only a singl eye. All cyclops either have only one horn, or in rare instances, no horns.FomoriFomori are Irish/Celtic trolls whom also lack dermal bone deposits and are generally considered attractive by other races. Like many metahumans of Celtic descent, fomori possess a higher-than-average propensity for magical ability.GiantsNordic trolls are fairer and taller than other trolls and lack either dermal bone deposits or horns. For unknown reasons, giants seem to have a greater than average tendency toward genetic reversions.MinotaursMinotaurs are an unusual Mediterranean mutation of the troll metatype, distinguished by pronounced snouts, wide-set eyes, long bull's horns and extensive body hair. |
Habitat: Forested regions Habits:The sasquatch is active at all times. Its way of life is similar to that of the gorilla (believed now extinct in the wild). It is vegetarian, peaceful, and curious. It fights only when attacked, though it demonstrates elaborate threat behavior. All known Sasquatch appear to be some kind of shaman, exhibiting magical powers and control over nature spirits. The creatures live in small family groups, though individuals may range far from the group while foraging. Sasquatches nest permanently in groves or caverns, but sometimes prepare temporary nests in thickets when traveling at a distance from teh home nest. Life expectancy is believed to be more than 40 years. The breeding season is unrestricted. |
Habitat: Crypts, abandoned properties near graveyards, and densely populated slums. Habits:Nocturnal. Ghouls are infected with the Kreiger Strain of the Human Metahuman Vampiric Virus. A ghoul feeds on dead animals, usually humans. Its diet and sanitary habits often result in a nauseating odor that emanates from the creature's pores. If no suitable buillding is available, the ghoul will often dig its own burrow. Though usually found in packs of 6 to 20, some ghouls wander alone. Such specimens tend to be extremely aggressive and have greater-than-average physical characteristics. A ghoul's life expectancy is similar to its subspecies of origin. Its breeding season is unrestricted. |
Special RulesGhouls may be of any race originally. Create a standard character, then infect them with the HMHVV (Kreiger Strain). If done during character creation, make a Body(6) Test after infection and apply the following results to the character:
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