The advances made in the development of Vehicle Control Rigs and the Man/Machine interface of Drones in conjunction with cyberware have finally made it possible to alter the metahuman body with additional limbs. Basic versions of this technology have brought you the Articulated Weapon Mount and the Balance Tail cyberware. Now we present you with the culmination of this technology, independent multiple cyberlimbs fully integrated with the metahuman body.
Each Auxiliary Cyber-limb breaks down into four components. The physical attachement point and structural bracing for the limb, a Limited Simsense Rig (for body posture/limb position sensing), a DNI and a limited MST (Muscle Signal Transference) Command Rig (for direct control of the limb), and a limited Autonomus System Rig (for network integrity and adaptive fine motor control within the arm). Users may not need all the components of the package. A cybertorso installed concurrently negates the need for seperate structural bracing, as the torso already incorporates enough structural integrity to support the additional limbs. A Vehicle Control Rig replaces the Limited Simsense Rig, MSt Command Rig, and Autonomus System Rig, as it already contains all three components within its system. Likewise, a full-Simsense Rig replaces the need for Limited Simsense Rig. Wired Reflex and Move-by-Wire systems must add an additional 10% to their cost for each additional limb in terms of circuitry added within the limb to increase the speed of the additional limbs concurrently with the rest of the body.
Clothing and armor must be customized to accommodate the extra limbs. Additional limbs are so exotic and bizzare that in addition to the normal penalties from Cyberware, they add an additional +2 to all Charisma/Social Skills where applicable.
Game EffectsIn order for the system to function, all four components or substitutes for them must be present. Because the body must be structurally modified to accomodate enhanced cyberlimbs, a character may not possess a limb wiht a Strength Rating higher than twice his body or Body +4, whichever is lower. In addition, any enhancements above Strength Rating 4 require the implantation of a cybertorso to structurally support the limb.
Users are still restricted to the base number of Actions. The additional limbs do not convey additional actions. The only exception to this is that the character may fire more than one weapon. The rules for Two-Weapon fighting in the Cannon Companion are extended to include additional limbs.
Ranged Combat Rules
Each weapon fired past the first gives all weapons an additional +2 modifier plus any
uncompensated recoil modifiers to all weapons fired. Using more than one firearm
eliminates any benefit gained from smartlink systems or laser sights (pg. 112 SR3).
Multiple targets still incur a +2 TN penalty per additional target, and all weapons must
be fired in the same mode. Pistols and SMGs are useable by each arm, and one rifle-sized
weapon may be fired by each pair of arms able to brace and hold the weapon.
Melee Combat Rules
Additional limbs do nothing to help a character in melee unless the character spends the
time learning fighting techniques that accommodate multiple limbs. Unarmed Multi-Limb
Combat consists of a variety of styles, schools and techniques for incorporating additional
limbs into older martial arts forms. The advent of these limbs is too recent for any new
style to have grown up specifically designed for them. Each individual adapts a known style
to incorporate their extra limbs. Additional Off-Hand Weapon skills must be purchased
for each additional limb a character trains to use an Armed Combat skill with.
Alternatively, the user may train themselves in a Off-Hand Cyber Implant combat skill for
that limb.
For damage, the auxiliary limbs add 1/4 of their Strength attribute to the overall power of the
attack. This is due to the fact that additional limbs are restricted in their movements by
the rest of the body and so cannot be brought to bear quite as effectively as two cyberlimbs.
Listed below are the Active Skills and specilizations which are needed to be taken in order to maximze the use of these cyberware components. Because the operation of limbs beyond the basic two arms, two legs that human beings are born with is outside of the human experience, a certain investment of time and effort is required to integrate and utilize these additional limbs to their full potential.
Structural Attachment Point: This provides the physical anchoring necessary to support an additional limb. Can accomodate 1 ECU worth of equipment - usually used for a replacement mount. Replacement Modification: Used for quick changing limb mounts. See Man & Machine p. 39 DNI: Direct Neural Interface - allows mental control of a cybernetic device. Limited Simsense Rig: Conveys sensory impressions from the limb, the same as the Simsense channel on a Remote Control Deck. Limited MST Command Rig: Together with the DNI, conveys motor control neural impulses directly to the myomer in the limb. Analogous to the Command channel on a Remote Control Deck Limited Autonomus System Rig: Provides biofeedback, fine control & integration of the limb with the bodys original limbs. Analogous to the System channel on a Remote Control Deck. |
Strength Enhancement: Increased structural anchoring to support the load characteristics of stronger limbs. Balance Processor: Processor and inertial sensors that controls limbs to counterbalance the rest of the body maintaining the whole in a state of balance. |
Game Effects: Normal weapon mounts may only be mounted to a cyberlimb or cybertorso, but with the provision of the structural attachment point, the Articulated Arm may be securely attached to a metahuman skeleton just below the shoulder blades.
Game Effects: Requires 1-Structural Attachment Point & a Balance Processor. The balance tail reduces the target number by -2 of any tests involving balance, including climbing, walking a ledge, jumping, falling, Knockdown and so on. If combined with balance augmentation earware, the cumulative modifier is -3.
Game Effects: Requires 1-Structural Attachment Point, Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI for conscious control. The tail has a basic strength of 1, which may be upgraded along with the required structural reinforcments. When used as a whip, the prehensile tail does STR(L) damage and may be used for entangling attacks. If a balance processor is implanted, the tail may be used as a balance tail whenever not under conscious control. Taking control of the tail disrupts this balancing effect, and requires a complex action to brace for use.
Game Effects: Requires 1-Structural Attachment Point, Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI for conscious control. The cyberarm has a base strength of 1. Strength may be increased up to Rating 4 by reinforcing the ribcage and spinal column. Enhancements after rating 4 require a cybertorso for the proper structural anchoring of the arm. If cyberarms are not installed in pairs, the use of the arm imposes an additional +2 to all TNs involving its use, and the arm and supporting structures suffer an additional 1d6 Stress points per month of use. These Stress points may be relieved as normal. These Cybernetic Arms can mount all accessories available to normal Cybernetic arms.
Game Effects: Requires 1-Structural Attachment Point, Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI for conscious control. The basic tentacle has a strength of 1 and can be mounted so that it retracts into a circular housing 10 centimeters in diameter. The housing can be external or internal, although the internal mount will take up either essence or ECU (in a cybertorso or other cyberlimb)
Game Effects: Requires 1-Structural Attachment Point & Balance Processor for Balance purposes. Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI required for conscious control. In a similar fashion to the Balance tail, these wings reduce the target number by -2 of any tests involving balance, including climbing, walking a ledge, jumping, falling, knockdown and so on. If combined with balance augmentation earware or a Balance Tail, the cumulative modifier is -3. If combined with both a Balance Tail and balance augmentation earware, the cumulative modifier is -4.
Game Effects: Requires 2-Structural Attachment Points, Balance Processor, Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI for conscious control. These wings require 3 points of strength reinforcement to each of their attachment points, for a collective 6 points of reinforcement to the collective mounting point. They have a base strength of 4, and if attached to a cybertorso may be similarly upgraded in strength. Every 2 points of strength lends an extra die to all jump tests -- the basic set of wings adds an additional 2-dice to all jump tests. In addition, these wings have all the characteristics and perform all the functions of Balance Wings, lending a -2 to the TNs for all balance tests.
Game Effects: Requires 2-Structural Attachment Points, Limited Simsense Rig, Limited MST Command Rig, Limited Autonomous System Rig & DNI for conscious control. These wings also require a total of 6 points of strength reinforcement applied to their collective mounting point (3 points for each attachment point) Thruster enhanced wings enable to user to make jet assisted leaps up to 30 feet high or across. In addition, the thrusters enable the user to fly with a speed of 50, accel of 4 and handling of 4 as if they were a vectored thrust drone.
Cybertorso, 2 Cyberarms, 2 Auxiliary Cyberarms
Spider (Alpha Grade Ground Combat Model) | 3.92 Essence | 633,000 nY |
Archangel (Alpha-Grade Air Combat Model) | 4.72 Essence | 890,000 nY |
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