This section is designed to introduce several cyberware and bioware elements whose absence in the Shadowrun game have bothered me for some time. They are provided in a collected format for my own players, and for other GMs to peruse and decide on the applicability to their games. |
Auxiliary Cyberlimbs Cybertorso Options The Compleat Encephalon Disguise Cyberware Miscellaneous Cyber & Bioware |
Please do not go around loading up characters with cyberware from these pages and expect your GM to have no problems. Instead I would ask that you refer your GM to this page first and ask him (preferably very politely while offering something to drink) what he thinks of the 'ware and whether he would like to allow his players access to any in his game. |
One commonly overlooked use for illegal cyberware modifications is disguise. With the application of a little myomer and some variable inflation subdermal bladder surface features can be rendered fairly malleable across the entire range of metahuman expression. In Shadowrun, being a sneaky little git can save everyone's hoop.
Cybereyes with shifting color tints are so common that eye color is no longer even used by most bureaus to track individuals. Retinal duplication and synthetic fingerprint cyberware can get you through many security check points, and a venom sack implanted in the fingertip filled with a small qauntity of blood taken from the same Johnson whose Retinal and fingerprint you're copying can get you through all but the most sophisticated of DNA checks.
While magical 'physical mask' spell remains the easiest way to duplicate the appearance there are times when magic isn't available, or where a spell might be detected or disrupted. With the right cyberware you can reproduce the effects of a mask spell at any time, for any length of time, and without worrying about astral signatures and the like. True the cyberware shows up when astrally assenssed, but what mundane corporate git doesn't have cyberware implanted these days?
Tech Hair | 0.1 Essence | 2,000 nY |
Meta-Morphic Ears | -- Essence | 25,000 nY |
Cyberface Disguise (Rating 1-6) | 0.5 Essence | Rating x 20,000 nY |
Pelvic Skeletal Manipulator | 0.75 Essence | 40,000 nY |
Cybernetic Breast Augmentation | 0.2 Essence | 5,000 nY |
Thoracic Exoskeletal Manipulator | 0.75 Essence | 40,000 nY |
Here are a few additional items--mostly verging on the exotic side--that can spice up your everyday shadowrun.
Forked Tongue | 0.1 Essence | 2,400 nY |
Mr. Studd ™ Implant | 0.1 Essence | 2,000 nY |
Lady Midnight ™ Implant | 0.1 Essence | 2,000 nY |
Contraceptive Implant | 0.01 Essence | 500 nY |
Newthroat – cybervox | 0.2 Essence | 5,000 nY |
This system allows the user to control vocal tones, volume and tone quality with the
precision of a musical synthesizer. Special effects (reverb, tremolo, sustain, and
choral voices), loudspeaker volumes and vocal delay programming (for singing with
yourself) are also possible. This effect adds +2 dice to any vocal Performance tests.
Voice Synthesizer
This system allows the user to mimic any voice or tone previously recorded in
memory. The chip can store up to 10 "voices" and use the recorded phenomes to
generate any speach. Voice recognition systems cannot be fooled by this system as
it does not precisely copy the voice pattern, only mimics it via synthesized tones.
When implanted with a Voice Pattern, reduce essence by 50%.
Voice Pattern
This is different from the Voice synthesizer as it can be used to deceive voice
recognition systems (p. 236, SR3), and also (gamemaster’s discretion) to fool other
people. It is available in ratings 1 through 6. When implanted with a Voice Synthesizer,
reduce essence by 50%.
Low Frequency (Subsonic) Modulation
This modification enables sounds to be produced far into the subsonic range.
Unless the hearing range of the individual is likewise modified, they will be unable
to effectively control this modification. Subsonic sounds transverse greater distances
than higher pitch sounds. Double the distance subsonic sounds are audible to someone
able to hear subsonics. In addition, subsonic overtones can be added to tones naturally
audible and induce subconcious reflexes in listeners. Anyone not equipped with the
ability to distinctly hear subsonics suffers a +1 penalty to all social skills involving
the character using subsonics as the subsonics induce a feeling of uneasiness in them.
Characters able to hear the subsonics are not affected as their brain interprets the
sounds normally.
High Frequency (Ultrasonic) Modulation
This modification enables extremely high-pitched sounds to be produced far into the
ultrasonic range.
Ultrasound Emitter
This is the emitter component of the cybereye ultrasound vision system. When combined
with the extended range-subsonic cyberear mod and image link in a cybereye they replace
and function exactly tthe same as the ultrasound vision system (p. 18, Man & Machine).
When implanted with Low Frequency Modulation, reduce essence costs by 50%
Aquatic Speakers
This cybermod places a pair of speakers covered with a resonating membranes on either
side of the throat. When activated underwater, the air-filled space between the speakers
and membranes functions as a resonating chamber transmitting speach for great distances
in the water. This speach is comprehensible to anyone else in the water nearby, and at
great distances to anyone with low-frequency hearing.
Sharkgrin | 0.1 Essence | 1,200 nY |
Powerjaw | 0.1 Body | 3,000 nY |
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